Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Parting: Homecoming

There is something special about coming home after a long absence. Feelings of love, appreciation, joy, excitement, and nostalgia permeate the soul. There is a measure of healing for a broken heart. The heart soars in rapture. Distance is gone and hearts that were separated are reunited. Joy abounds.

Such were the reunions for Jack and his company. Once the company was dismissed soldiers and loved ones flocked to embrace one another. Tears of joy flowed down cheeks. People held one another, kissed one another. Could reunions in heaven be any more special?

Nancy planned a small party for Jack at her house the night he got home. Of course, Charlotte was invited as well as some of his friends. Shortly before all the guests were to arrive, Jack got a call from JoJo. Jack was asked if he could go with him to the house of a fellow soldier. JoJo said, “Something’s up with M-I-A, man. He called me to say there was a problem and asked if I could come over. He wouldn’t say what it was. Can you come with me?” “Of course I can.” Was the reply.

Jack went to tell his mother the news that he had to leave for a while to be with a friend. Needless to say, Nancy was concerned about a party without the guest of honor. She started to protest but Jack simply but firmly said, “Mom, this is important. These guys have been my family for the last year. One of them is in need. I have to be there for them. JoJo said he would pick me up.” Nancy reluctantly agreed but realized Jack would go anyway. My, he had grown.

MIA was short for Miquel Ignacio Andaluz. When they company first came together and everyone was introducing themselves, Miguel said his name was Miquel Ignacio Andaluz. He said it with such pride and vigor. He commented that he was named for his father and his father’s father. He was proud of the men they were and wanted to continue the family name. Then a voice was heard saying, “I hope you don’t go MIA (Missing In Action) on us. Instantly, his hot, Latin blood boiled and he demanded to know who said it. Somehow the nickname stuck but only with the ones with whom he was closest. MIA was a rock steady soldier and everyone knew what a reliable man he was.

MIA was married but they had no kids yet. JoJo and Jack talked on the ride over, speculating as to what happened. In the remaining moments of sunlight, they arrived at MIA’s house. They could see it had not been properly cared for for some time. They could see weeds in the back yard that had grown higher than the fence. They were bewildered by the sight of it. Why hadn’t his wife taken care of the place? If she couldn’t do it herself, surely she could have hired someone to do some minimal work around the house.

Jack and JoJo got out of the car, walked to the door, and rang the doorbell. MIA came to the door and opened it. It was obvious he had been crying. He wordlessly opened the door further and gestured for his friends to come in. Then MIA blurted out the news that his wife had left him. JoJo and Jack sat there stunned. JoJo started to say “How do you know?” but realized it was obvious she had checked out a long time ago. MIA went on to explain that the house had obviously sat empty for some time. Additionally, the bank account was recently emptied. All he had were the clothes on his back, and a house that was months behind in payments and almost in foreclosure. She had cleaned him out.

Jack got up and sat next to MIA on the couch. He put his arm around his buddy, his friend, and said, “Man, I am so sorry but I am here for you. JoJo too, right JoJo?” JoJo nodded in agreement. “Thanks guys. I don’t’ know what I am going to do. You are the only family I have here.” Jack’s heart broke for MIA. MIA’s closest family lived hours away by plane. “This is not bigger than you and even if it is, it isn’t bigger than us. You got that? We stick together. Just like when we were in the field. We are a team.

“Thanks guys. I knew I could count on you.”

After talking for a bit more and taking stock of the situation at the house, Jack called his mom to say he was coming home with 2 of his buddies. Nancy was a little nervous about having enough food for 2 more but completely agreed with him bringing his friends. She was a little embarrassed she hadn’t asked if he wanted to invite anyone. She just knew there were people in town that wanted to see him and they were the ones that were invited.

Nancy could tell Jack’s friend, Miguel, was hurting but didn’t ask. She just hugged him and said he was welcome in her home any time. Jack’s friends would be her friends. Fighting back tears, MIA said thank you.

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