Friday, August 21, 2015

Driftwood: Part XIV

The next morning Nick woke with a sense of foreboding.  It wasn’t that he felt something bad would happen but he realized this was his last full day in Costa Rica.  He was happy that he would ride to the airport with Mark and Pat.  They offered to drive him during dinner and he was happy to accept.  Though they were still somewhat strangers, it felt as if they had known each other for decades. 

He puttered around the room feeling gloomy.  His emotions were on edge and his heart was tender.  He traveled to Costa Rica at the insistence of his kids and he was very reluctant to do so.  Now he felt joy in his heart and there was a new spring in his step.  He looked forward to telling his daughter that he had found himself.  To put it more correctly, he found his place in God’s plan.  He still wasn’t sure what the full plan was but he was certain that the good Lord hadn’t left him alone. 

He considered a sermon he heard years ago.  The preacher said that when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, God hadn’t forgotten them.  He was making them into a nation.  They were consolidated in Egypt.  Actually, they were protected from other countries but they continued growing and when the time was right, God performed miracles and they left their bondage.  Then through the years, God demonstrated His faithfulness to them even when they ignored and turned their backs on Him.  Nick’s heart was full of gratitude.

He felt he needed to express what was in his heart.  He remembered when he and Gwen first started dating.  He was such a romantic and he would write poetry for her.  Maybe that was what won her heart.  He decided to write some prose about his recent experience.  He stopped and started a few times as he typed on his iPad.  Eventually, this is what he wrote:


Once I was strong and proudly surveyed my land
Then came the day I was knocked from my stand
A body blow that took breath my away
No longer to see the light of day

Tossed and thrown to where I do not know
Oh why did my love have to go?
My world is gone and I cannot see
Then washed ashore and left to be

Broken and battered and baked in the sun
Stripped of my dignity I am wholly undone
Totally lost with nothing to do
When I opened my eyes I finally saw You

Though I was useless You gave me reason
A higher calling for every season
Unique You made me unique you use me
Now I know You will never lose me

With tear filled eyes, Nick reread his writing a couple times.  He thought it was sort of cheesy and would never win a poetry contest but he liked it.  It spoke his heart and that is what he wanted to do.  With that finished, he was ready to eat breakfast.  It wasn’t until he arrived and spotted Luz that he remembered how he wanted to see her before he left.  Instead of entering the open air restaurant, he turned around and headed toward the front of the hotel.  He stepped out the front door and went to one of the shops next to the hotel.  Once inside, he surveyed the store and after locating the cards, he walked to that section.  As he walked, a young man entered through a rear door and said with a smile, “Buenos días.”

Nick replied, “Buenos días.  Do you have any Thank You cards?”  After asking, he considered that the young man may not speak English but, apparently, he understood enough.  The clerk gestured for Nick to follow him and they walked a few steps to a section of cards and Nick noticed a few were in English and said, “Gracias.” 

The young man replied as he walked back to the rear of the store, “El gusto es mío.”

Nick glanced over the selection of cards.  He remembered how he hated picking out cards and gifts for Gwen.  She always got the presents for Christmas, birthdays, and anniversaries.  He always felt women were better suited for that stuff.  Still, here he was and he needed to get the right card.  Then he thought he was not going to spend 30 minutes in here looking over each and every card.  How do women do that?  That would drive him crazy. 

Finally, he saw a card with a waterfall in a rain forest.  In the back of his mind, Nick wondered if the waterfall was in the resort that Mark had mentioned the previous day.  The inside was blank and that made it easier for Nick to choose this card.  He planned to say thank you and would include the poem he wrote. 

After purchasing the card, he returned to his room and copied the poem onto hotel stationary and folded it to fit in the envelope.  Then he expressed in the card his thanks for her kindness.  He added that he recently wrote the enclosed poem after recognizing God’s providence in his life and hoped it would help her as she continued life without her mother. 

Once that was finished, he returned to the restaurant and greeted Luz upon entering.  With a big smile he announced, “Good morning, Luz.  I need some coffee.”  Luz chuckled and asked him where he wanted to sit.  He picked out a table as she walked toward the coffee machine to grab a coffee pot.  Upon arriving at his table she proceeded to fill his cup.  As she poured, Nick held out the card. 

A surprised smile appeared on her face. “For me?”

“Yes, this is for you.  I want to show my gratitude for your kindness.  You are a big asset to this hotel.  You work hard and you obviously enjoy what you do and you enjoy people.  That means a lot to any business.  Thank you.”

Blushing slightly, Luz replied, “Thank you.  You are a nice man.” 

Breakfast was filling and delicious.  Nick was happy he gave the card to Luz.  As he munched a piece of toast, he planned what he would do the rest of the day.  He wanted to go to the pizza place again and would later join Mark and Pat at the Soda Rustico Jaco.  He wanted to revisit the people and places that meant so much to him during the trip.  Last but not least, he had to spend a few moments alone with the driftwood.  

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