Thursday, August 20, 2015

Driftwood: Part XIII

Disappointment met Nick the following morning after he learned Luz had another day off from work.  He wanted to see her before he left.  Tomorrow was his last full day in Jaco.  The following day he would go back to San Jose and fly home.  Part of him was ready to go home but another part wanted to stay. 

His first plate of breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs with tomato in it, plantains, fruit, and rice and beans.  He added the rice and beans only because he was starting to feel like a Tico.  Nick took his time eating each morsel and read an old edition of Tico Times.  He noted they had a website and decided he would browse headlines from time to time after he returned home. 

After a second plate, more coffee, and a fruit drink, Nick returned to his room.  Once there, he called the front desk and asked how to make a local call.  Also, he confirmed that local calls were free.  After receiving instructions, which he then saw were on the phone itself, he called Mark and Pat.  They had exchanged their contact information the previous day.  Pat answered with a cheery, “Good morning, Nick.”

“How’d you know it was me?”

“We don’t get that many calls.  You still want us to come for a visit?”

“Yes.  There is a nice private beach here at the hotel and I’d like for both of you to enjoy it with me.”

“Well we are about ready so you will enjoy it with us soon enough.” 

“Ok, see you soon.”

After placing the receiver back in place, Nick changed into his bathing suit.  He decided to wear a shirt again and started applying sunscreen on his exposed skin.  Once that was complete, he started walking to the front of the hotel.  He waited for about 5 minutes but used the time window shopping at a couple stores near the hotel entrance. 

As they pulled into a parking space, Pat and Mark waived at Nick who smiled and waived in return.  Nick walked up to the car and opened Pat’s door.  After stepping out of the car she embraced him and asked, “How are you?”

“I’m doing good, thank you.  How about you?” 

“We are just fine.”

Mark walked around the car and extended his hand.  “How ya doing, old man?” he asked.

Nick replied, “How are you doing, older man?” 

Acting deeply hurt Mark said, “Did you hear that, Pat?  That was below the belt.”

Pat gave a look of indifference and added, “Well, you are the older man.”

Now really hamming it up Mark retorted, “You too?” 

Nick added fuel to the fire, “Hold on grandpa.  I’ll go get a wheelchair.”

“I don’t have to take this.  I’m going home.” 

With that, Nick opened the door and led them through the hotel grounds, to the private beach.  Pat showed her displeasure for the lizards that scurried about.  She remarked, “You’d think I’d be used to those little buggers by now but I still can’t stand them.  Don’t like the bugs either.” 

Along the way, Mark and Pat made general comments about the landscaping on the hotel grounds, the restaurant decorations, and the pool located just before the back gate.  Upon seeing the ocean and hearing the waves, Nick felt a twinge of excitement.  He loved the beach. 

They picked out beach chairs and placed their things on their chairs.  Mark and Pat started applying sunscreen.  Then they started applying it onto the hard-to-reach spots on each other.  Once they finished, all of them headed for the water.  It was obvious to Nick that his companions were regularly in the sun.  He was certain they stayed very active since they both appeared to be fit and healthy. 

The waves weren’t as “epic” as previous visits to the beach but they were enjoyable nonetheless.  Pat brought a couple noodle floats and mostly floated along in the waves.  The three of them spent their time talking while Mark and Nick jumped or dove into the waves.  Nothing earth shaking was said.  They merely discussed various aspects of life and one point simply led to another.  They chatted about children, jobs, home towns, hobbies, local weather, traveling, and favorite foods. 

When the topic was on local weather, Mark mentioned that Nick had missed experiencing an earthquake a few days before he arrived and Nick expressed his surprise about earthquakes in the region. 

“Oh yes, they happen here from time to time.”  Pat chimed in.

Mark added, “We visited a resort kinda place about a year ago, what was it called?”  Pat responded, “La Paz.”  Mark continued, “It has a rain forest, butterfly garden, animals, and some beautiful waterfalls.  While we were there, someone said they used to have, something like, 7 or 8 waterfalls.  I don’t remember the exact number now but because of an earthquake, they lost some of the waterfalls.  How would you like to be there to see that?”

“I don’t’ think so.”  Nick said.  Then he added, “I’ve never felt an earthquake.”

Pat said, “Neither had we before that one.  It wasn’t much to speak of.  Mark is making it bigger than it really was.  I’ve seen some videos on Youtube from that one in Japan a few years ago.  That looked darn right scary.  This was nothing like that.  Other than a couple pictures ending up crooked on the wall, you weren’t really sure that it actually happened.” 

Nick made a mental note that if he was thinking about moving here after he retired, he needed to investigate these earthquakes some more. 

As they conversed in the water, the waves and current gradually moved them down the coast.  Eventually, Nick noticed they weren’t directly in front of their chairs but in front of the driftwood.  He mentioned they may want to start moving toward their belongings and the chairs.  Mark and Pat surveyed the land and Pat commented on the driftwood.  She noted how large it was and that it was so far up on the beach. 

Nick wouldn’t have spoken up on the subject a few days ago but he was comfortable with Mark and Pat.  Therefore, he remarked, “You know, I kinda feel like driftwood.  I think I know how it feels.  It was tossed about on the waves after it was ripped from home.  After many bumps and bruises, it ended up here.  That’s sort of like me.” 

Mark spoke up, “You know, I can understand why you would feel that way.  I know Pat will agree with me that losing a spouse is about the hardest thing to endure.  We haven’t lost any kids yet so we can’t compare but I used to work with wood a little bit years ago.  It was more of a hobby than anything serious but one thing I like about driftwood is that each piece is unique.  Any piece of driftwood you find has been beaten and weathered but there is something interesting and wonderful for someone who likes to work with wood.  Have you noticed people use driftwood around here to decorate their shops?”

Mark replied, “Yes.”

“These people have a unique sense of artistry.  Often they use the piece whole and as they found it.  Some people use tools to shape it to their needs but all of them see the value it has.  It is the only piece that can be used where it is.  Actually, you can draw a parallel to life.  Our hearts do get uprooted and beat up but God has a way of using us to His glory.  The heartache we feel can end up being a thing of beauty since it is all a part of God’s plan.  He moves us to the place He wants us to be and He will use us while we are there because we are the only ones who can do what God wants done.  You know, Nick, and I speak for Pat when I say this, but you have been a blessing to us since we met you.  Believe it or not, we have been praying about meeting someone with similar values.  Even though you will be heading back to the states, I have to believe you are an answer to that prayer.” 

Nick couldn’t speak.  His lower lip started to quiver and he forced back tears.  Joy flooded his soul.  Could it be that the greatest heartache in his life would result in such a great delight?  While he understood that death is a part of life, Gwen’s death was never easy.  Still, for the first time Nick realized that God uses us as we are.  Sometimes He may need to alter a few things about us in order to accomplish something special.  God actually uses our every day circumstances to work something beautiful.  Instead of a weather beaten, broken up, useless, old piece of wood, God viewed him as a work of art that was made for a special purpose  

Finally, Nick was able to say, “Thank you.  You folks are pretty special too.  I’m happy we met.  Who would have thought that this broken down piece of a once stately tree could be a useful piece of wood.” 

Mark said, “Only the Carpenter would be able to see usefulness in the wood before Him.” 

“Amen.”  Pat said.

Nick echoed. “Amen.”

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