Thursday, December 17, 2020

In The Heavens

The following was originally given as a speech during the Christmas time of year in the early 2000s.  I had often wondered what it was that the Magi saw when they came to find the new King of Israel.  Due to the Internet research, I was able to find information noted in the story below.    Rather than a single bright star, the wise men from the east read the stars.  Perhaps this is how it happened.  The dates are given so modern people can understand when it happened.  If I said something happened in the 8th year of King So and So's reign, that means little.  However, to say it was June 23, 4 BC.  You have a point of reference.  

**On December 21, 2020 there will be a grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.  It just so happens there were similar events in the heavens in 6 BC.  Some people believe that is the year Jesus was born.**  


Belteshazaar was a retired Captain of the Persian Army.  As with any soldier who found himself in the heat of battle, he had immense pride for his brothers in arms.  He grew misty-eyed when he recounted his war stories.  All his family knew that his years in the military had shaped the strong man he was.   

One day, he called his youngest grandson to his side.  His name also was Belteshazaar, but his grandfather called him Bely.  When Bely came to his grandfather’s side, the boy sat at his feet.  His grandfather opened his mouth to speak.   

“I know that you know I have a fascination for the stars.  I love to look at the night sky and gaze at that blanket of black with its diamonds fixed in place.  I’ve never told you why I love star gazing.  As a matter of fact, there are only a few people that I’ve mentioned this to before.”  

Bely asked, “Grandpa Bel, did you ever tell grandma?”  Grandpa Bel said with a wink, “You know your grandma.  She forced it out of me.”  They both smiled.   

“Of course I’ve told you about my days in the Calvary.”   

“Yes, and how the Persian Calvary could regularly whip the Roman armies.  Yes, grandpa, you told me."   

“But what I never told you before was the time my unit was called for a special duty and how I saw a baby king.”  

Bely’s eyes grew wide.  “Wow, grandpa.  A baby king.  Did you really see a baby king?”  Grandpa Bel nodded in affirmation.   

“We were called to provide escort for Magi as they traveled to a foreign and possibly hostile country.  I must tell you that we were strutting when we entered Jerusalem.  You could see the fear in the eyes of the citizens.  We were scared too because we were far from home and had no reinforcements.  I found out later the Jerusalem garrison was off fighting in another country when we arrived.  No wonder the whole city was nervous...  I’m getting ahead of myself.“ 

“When we joined up with the Magi, all we knew was we needed to escort them wherever they went.  When I asked where we were going, I was told they didn’t know.  I asked when we were moving out, but they didn’t know.  I was frustrated.  How could I protect them if I didn’t know when or where we were going?   

“The Magi would spend night after night looking at the stars.  Night upon night and nothing.  Rather than lose my cool and lose the trust of those we were protecting, I tried to get more information.  I learned from one of the assistants that on February 3 BC, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars stood together in a loose triangle in the western sky.  This was seen as a sign of events to follow.   

“On August 1st 3 BC, Jupiter rose helically in the dawn.  That means the 1st rising after being invisible due to the closeness to the sun.  On August 13th at 5 AM, Jupiter and Venus stood at less than half the width of the moon in the sunrise glare.  On the 18th, Mercury came out of the solar glare, and on September 1st with the sun in Virgo, Mercury and Venus were close together in the constellation Leo.”   

Bely looked at his grandfather with a blank expression.  “None of this makes sense to you does it?”  The boy slowly shook his head.  “It didn’t to me either at the time, but when I got the explanation, my jaw must have hit the floor.”   

Basically, Jupiter, the King planet, left the Sun, the Father of the Gods, to be conjoined with Venus, the Virgin Mother in the constellation of Leo.  This is a symbol for the tribe of Judah in Israel.  Then, Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, came from the Sun’s presence to stand with Venus, the Virgin Mother, in the rays of the dawn.  “ 

Bely asked, “So this was a Hebrew king you saw?  I didn’t know they had any kings.”  Grandpa Bel replied, 

“You’re right. They don’t have any kings now, but there was something special about this one and by going to Jerusalem, we were telling the king there at the time that our country planned to recognize his kingdom.   

“We abruptly left the country without going back to King Herod.  He asked us to tell him where the baby king could be found but the Magi were warned in a dream not to go back.  It saddens me when I think about all the baby boys killed by Herod.  I later learned that Herod had all boys under the age of two put to death.  There must have been a lot of crying in the Hebrew cities.”   

“On September 14 3 BC Jupiter stood next to Regulus.  Regulus is a star in Leo and means royalty.  This was repeated on February 17th and May 8th 2 BC.  On June 17th 2 BC, Jupiter, and Venus collided.  Well, it seemed that way.  The two brightest stars seemed to be fused together.   

On August 27, 2 BC a grand conjunction of the planets took place.  Jupiter and Mars were close together and Mercury and Venus were close together in the rays of the sunrise in Virgo.  THEN Jupiter moved west.  It did this through the month of November.”   

This was the sign the Magi were looking for.  We set out to follow the star.  I felt funny giving orders to my men that we were after a star, but you can’t argue with what the heavens are doing.”  

Some weeks later we were in Jerusalem trying to find where the Hebrew king was supposed to be born.  We were told it was in Bethlehem.  At this time Jupiter was south and stopped above Bethlehem.  It was December 25th.”   

Bely, I must say that such an occurrence, such a chain of events in the nighttime sky touched me.  When we reached Bethlehem and the Magi went into the house to pay homage, I thought back over the months I had spent with the Magi.  I realized that I wanted to get on with the mission, but the star gods were in no hurry.  Ever since then, I’ve realized that the gods are not in a hurry.  We want things taken care of right away, but that isn’t always what we get.  Still, I find that things work out perfectly despite my own efforts.” 

“But grandpa,” Bely said, “you said you saw the baby king.  When did you see him?”  

"As we were leaving the area after the Magi offered their gifts, the mother and baby came out of the house.  I stood there for a moment not sure of what to do.  Finally, I bowed before her and the child.  She nodded, smiled, and went on her way.”   

Bely was silent for a moment and then asked, “Grandpa, why did Persian Kings seek out a Hebrew king?  Why honor a foreign king?”  Grandpa Bel answered, “I can see we are very much alike.  I asked the same thing.  I was told that in 605 BC King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Israel and took many captives to Babylon.  One of them was named Belteshazaar.”  

Bely interrupted and said, “That’s our name, grandpa!”   

“It sure is but I don’t think he is any relation.  Belteshazaar proved to be a prophet whose predictions were never wrong.  Though a slave, he was made an official in the king’s court and wrote a book of his prophesies.  It is from this book that it was known the Hebrew king was coming.  Also, our own religion told of a king that was coming and he would be heralded in the heavens.  

“We know him as Belteshazaar, but can you guess what the Hebrews called him?  Daniel.   Bely, do you see now why your grandpa stargazes?  If such signs can be seen in the stars, just think of all that we miss when we are not quiet, when we don’t wait, look, or listen.  It’s all in the heavens.” 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Rachel’s Dream


Even with the light of dawn brought by VE and VJ days, Rachel’s heart remained empty.  To her, life was only struggle and privation.  After the scarcity of The Great Depression and continual loneliness and sacrifice during the years of war, she didn’t believe hope was truly on the horizon.  Too many people in her life had come and gone.  Her father, mother, brothers, and two men she loved.  All were gone.  


Duke Ellington played “Take the A-Train” on the Victrola.  This song, more than any other, placated the demons that stirred diabolical potions in her mind.  They merrily bided their time for the perfect moment to dump the cauldron of poison on her soul.  Then their tears of laughter mixed with Rachel’s tears of pain.  If only she could take the A Train, maybe she could finally escape.  


Rachel finished her dinner of liver loaf, mashed potatoes, and Melba toast.  After cleaning the dishes and wiping down the table, she began to make coffee.  How she wished she had sugar for the coffee but the war created so many shortages.  The Duke Ellington band was quietly bringing the A-Train into the station.  Softer and softer they played the refrain.  Softly the music ended.  It was bittersweet.  The strains were a healing balm to her soul but when they ended, she knew the tigers could stir again.  Rachel poured the coffee, inhaled the aroma, and relished the quiet moment. 


Rachel stood at the window watching a world that went on without her.  A comely woman with full lips and brown eyes, she always commanded the eyes of men when she fell within their field of vision.  Early on, she found some comfort in the arms of a man.  Then she learned if it wasn’t her, they would find another.  Rachel only wanted to be special to someone.  Being an object of desire was repulsive.  


Rachel swapped albums and played “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.”  Tears welled in her eyes.  With coffee back in her hand, she returned to the window.  The world continued.  Alone in her small apartment, Rachel didn’t think she could. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

On All Sides


I am another place

Outside of my time


To find my home


I search in vain

For something

To call my own

It was all forgotten


So my heart resides

In another place

Another time

And nostalgia fills me


On all sides

Friday, October 9, 2020

Groundhog Day Prayers

A few years ago, I saw a challenge to pray something that Jesus told His disciples to do in Matthew chapter 9:36-38.  “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’”

I thought it was a good thing to do since I have a heart for the needy.  I don’t remember now how many years ago that was but I have missed only a few days praying this.  In the meantime, other prayers have been added to the list.  This year, I decided to pray some things for myself I believe are impossible.  Is anything too hard for an almighty, all-knowing God?  

Here are a few of the things I pray for myself:

That God would reveal to me things I believe to be true but aren’t.  Then knowing the lies I’ve believed, that He would give me to wisdom and guts to do what was necessary to make the needed changes.  

That I wouldn’t put God in a box.  

That I would remove Him for the boxes I already have Him in.

That I would never condemn God to justify myself.

If these prayers make no sense to you, please know this:  I want to believe in God with all my heart and to do so without error.  I have been taught some erroneous things about God in the past.  I don’t want that in the future.  

Have you ever prayed for something but only heard crickets?  To knock on a door repeatedly with no answer?  I have run the gamut of ways these prayers have been sent to heaven.  

With anguish and sincerity 

With earnestness

With beautiful and colorful verbiage 

Saying the words because it is the thing to do

Going through the motions

Just getting it done

Praying while very distracted

Just checking off the to-do list

Not praying at all

I still return to it.  Prayer.  I sometimes hear and learn things that encourage me.  I press forward.  Sometimes other prayers are clearly answered.  I press forward.  

Why does God make us (me) pray for things for so long without answer?  Is He testing me to see if I really am sincere?  Does something else have to happen before He will move?  Does He want my heart to change?  

Who knows, maybe it is all these reasons and more.  Maybe it is none of them.  One thing I have learned recently is this:  As I pray for things I wish were different in this world, I find myself hoping the heart of mankind would change. I find that my heart breaks for the needs of the oppressed. I hope and pray the hearts of those who are evil will break and they will turn to God and repent.  

In these days of repeated prayers, I find I am changing.  Oh, that I will change even more.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Seasons of Life: Winter


Finally, winter comes.  This is the most difficult for me to write.  Of course, I’m not there yet so I cannot speak from experience.  Also, we all know that winter is the final season.  Therefore, it means the end is near.  No one likes pondering death but that is the ultimate destination for every living creature on earth. 


I spoke to my dad late yesterday as I considered what I should write.  At first, I didn’t think he understood my point.  Then he said something to prove his understanding.  He said, “One of the things when you reach my age, (he is 83) is most of the people you know are dead.”


I was silent.  What can you say to that?  Then dad started listing family members that are gone.  Too many died too soon.  I am older than most of them when they died.  It seems to me the goal for the winter season of life is to prepare for death.  How does one do that?  I think part of having a good death means having a good life. 


I have two suggestions to live a good life.  For the first, we should treat other people as we want them to treat us.  Do you do that?  If we truly lived this, the world would be a better place.  For the second, if you believe in an afterlife, it is vital to live in a way that you end up in the paradise of your belief.  As a Christian, I believe the only thing I can do to gain access to heaven it to believe and accept that Jesus paid the penalty of all my misdeeds.  No other effort on my part is good enough. 


As I’ve mulled over what it means to live in the winter season of life, I am left with the nostalgic paradox of it all.  Spring is full of vibrant energy and a desire to thrive.  When we end spring and move into summer we desire to continue life as we have children of our own.  We are full of things to do as we nurture our own lives and those of our children.  With autumn, life begins to ebb.  The chicks leave the nest and we have more time to ponder who we are and what life is.  When the cold winds of winter blow and snow masks the dormant earth with frosty white, we are wiser still.  With our minds, we still feel much younger, but our bodies speak the truth. 


When my grandma Phillips died, she was 98.  Secretly, I hoped she would live to be 100.  For a long time, I wanted to live to be 100 but not just to live that long.  I wanted to be vibrant and look younger than my years.  When I reached 100, I wanted look like I was 70.  I don’t think I want that goal anymore. 


I don’t want to have a funeral attended by a mere few people.  For as long as I can remember, I wanted a funeral with many present.  It isn’t that I want a lot of people to be sad.  Rather, I want to have positively touched many lives.  I don’t want to outlive any good I do. 

Seasons of Life: Autumn


Since I was a sophomore in high school, Autumn has been my favorite season.  I firmly believe I am in the autumn stage of my life.  Yesterday, my youngest son and I were able to chat about different things and I mentioned this to him.  He seemed genuinely surprised to hear me say this.  As a result of this discussion, what follows are some of my thoughts about the four seasons of life.  


So what does the autumn season of life mean to me since that’s where I think I am?  Actually, I guess I’m not squarely in the middle of fall.  I’m in the beginning stages of fall.  I’m know I’m there because of the things I’m forced to consider for the first time.  My youngest moved out a few days ago.  The house seems emptier than expected.  I also have started thinking of retirement.


There is a retirement plan where I work.  Nevertheless, I haven’t bothered investigating it at all.  That is, until a few months ago when my company offered me a severance package.  I’m about 12 years from getting a full retirement here in the US.  Still, what I was offered to too good to ignore. 


We spoke with a financial advisor at our bank and he confirmed what we thought.  If I retired from my job, I would need to get another job.  With Covid reducing the job markets to bare bones, job prospects aren’t good.  


Autumn is the time you harvest the fruits of your labor.  Your kids are grown up and leave the house.  As noted in my comments about spring, when the nest is emptied, our eyes are opened to what our work was for.  Then you see if our children truly follow your advice.  Did you do enough to have a retirement nest egg?  If you were deficient during the summer, there is little time to make up for lost time.  


For me, I’ve always been more reflective when it is Fall.  I find myself soaking in the colors and smells.  Consequently, I am doing more of that now.  I want to reconnect with friends and family that were neglected during the child rearing years.  I know the days are getting short and I don’t have a lot of time. 


Next up, winter

Monday, October 5, 2020

Seasons of Life: Summer


Since I was a sophomore in high school, Autumn has been my favorite season.  I firmly believe I am in the autumn stage of my life.  Yesterday, my youngest son and I were able to chat about different things and I mentioned this to him.  He seemed genuinely surprised to hear me say this.  As a result of this discussion, what follows are some of my thoughts about the four seasons of life.  


For spring, I suggested it was filled with furious activity.  In many ways, summer is too.  However, the focus here is on the parents of the little ones.  They are building a life together.  They are building for their future.  As any parent, especially a mother, will tell you, there is constant motion and a moment to rest, take a nap, or relaxing hot bath is a blessing. 


Spring is about growing but it is something that just happens to babies and children.  They will grow and learn without their individual persistence.  In the summer season of life, you are growing with purpose.  When it comes to children, you should have a goal as to how your children will be as adults.  As a shared with my son, at the minimum, I want my kids to positively contribute to society.  Of course, I expect and want more but that is the minimum.  When it comes to children, parents must use the summer season to grow their children into a fully grown harvest. 


It is during this time of life wise parents begin preparing for retirement.  While most of the money earned goes toward everyday needs, a percentage should be saved for the future retirement.  


In a nutshell it can be said like this:  Summer is a time to tend the fields in hopes of a bountiful harvest to come. 


Next up, autumn

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Seasons of Life: Spring


Since I was a sophomore in high school, Autumn has been my favorite season.  I firmly believe I am in the autumn stage of my life.  Yesterday, my youngest son and I were able to chat about different things and I mentioned this to him.  He seemed genuinely surprised to hear me say this.  As a result of this discussion, what follows are some of my thoughts about the four seasons of life.  


Spring is a time of birth.  I am sure this is a worldwide belief.  However, I also see it is as a time of unbridled action.  Growth always comes to babies without any effort on their part.  The bounty is great and incremental development continues in all areas of life. 


When I think of babies, I picture a little creature that desires to take in all there is in the world around them.  Little ones don’t want to go to sleep.  There is too much to do, see, and hear.  They fight sleep with all their being.  Of course, they eventually succumb.  Then they are little angels.


Like the seasons have no obvious starts and stops, other than our calendars, there are no certain signs of seasons of life.  Each of us is different and we transcend the times.  However, I feel there is a way to know when we have moved from once season to the next.  I feel there is a clear moment that points to the transition from spring to summer. When we move out of our parent’s house we are moving from spring to summer. 


I also believe we are given a new vision or understanding of who we are and where we are.  When a child leaves the nest, their eyes are opened to what they had while in the nest.  They didn’t see it when they were there.  Perhaps they finally understand the siblings they fought with but loved anyway.  Maybe they see the sacrifices their parents made.  Regardless, they suddenly have a new understanding in exchange for the transition they make.  


Next up, summer

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Empty Nester

Empty nester is a phrase used in English to state there are no more children living in the house.  Like when baby birds leave the nest and fly off to make their own lives, so must our children go and be on their own.  In just a few days, my youngest will begin living in her own place.  It just so happens she is turning 25 on October 2nd.  

If she could have afforded it I know she would have moved out a few years ago.  She is ready now.  She has confided to us some fears but she is ready.  I must admit it is finally sinking into my heart.  All my babies are on their own.  It is funny how your heart never knows what it has until it is gone.  Or if things drastically change.  I am a very blessed man.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Like a Log


I remember visiting my grandparents once when I was about 5 years old.  When I awoke in the morning, grandma was busy making breakfast and everyone was talking and sipping coffee.  She asked me how I slept.  I don’t remember how I answered but asked her how she slept.  She replied, “I slept like a log.”  I thought this was funny.  


The next morning when I awoke and went to the kitchen, I asked grandma how she slept.  She said she slept like a log and then asked how I slept.  I said I slept like a hog.  


I still wonder why she said this.  I should have asked when I got older.  I think I should start using this phrase to describe nights of deep sleep.  

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Shorties: 75

Note: I am not a doctor or in the medical field. I may have everything wrong medically speaking. However, this story is similar to a dream I had when is was sick a few weeks ago.

The doctor said, “Neil is sleeping but he is he mumbles from time to time and we aren’t sure what he’s saying.”  Then he added with a smile in his voice, “He seems happy though.”  


With the children around her, Sylvia replied, “Thank you for the update, doctor.  So what’s next?”


“Well, his oxygen levels are still good as are his other vitals. We just need to bring his temperature down.  Once that is normal we will check again for COVID.  When COVID is gone and temperature is down, I don’t see a reason to keep him.” 


When the call was finished, Sylvia held her cell phone in her left hand and pulled her 7 year old daughter close.  Five year old James looked bewildered but knew something was wrong with daddy.  Not seeing his father for 2 days deeply sadden him.  Erin asked, “Can we pray for daddy, mommy?” 


“Of course.  Let’s pray now.”


As prayers drifted to heaven, Neil slept and dreamed.  In his mind’s eye Neil traveled to far off destinations and watched the sun rise from a high cliff.  As light illuminated his surroundings, Neil walked through a meadow while the call of crickets and bird songs filled his ears.  As he explored, he wanted to see it all but the heat of his fever affected Neil’s thoughts and all colors in his vision distorted.  


Slowly, like wax dripping down a candle, the picture in his mind slid and blurred down and across.  Sounds distorted and emitted a Doppler Effect.  The depth of consciousness lifted and Neil rolled from the left to his right side.  Again, Neil ebbed back into the realm of dreams. 


As his surroundings came into focus, Neil thrilled at the sight.  He was again in Sydney, Australia.  His face beamed as his nostrils filled with the coastal air.  He found himself walking with his parents from Circular Quay to The Rocks.  With anticipation he said, “We just need to go another block or so to Argyle Street.  A few more blocks and Lord Nelson’s is on the right.  You’ll love it.”  


Though his parents were elderly and, in real life, moved slowly, they all walked along at a quick pace.  They were led by Neil’s father who preferred to arrive early at restaurants in order to beat the crowds.  As they walked under the approach to the Sydney Harbor Bridge, Neil exclaimed, “I can’t believe I’m here again and I’m so happy you finally made it too.  You are going to love it here.  Never mind the prices.  Food is expensive here but it is the best food you’ve ever had.”


When The Lord Nelson Brewery Hotel came into view, Neil stopped his parents and gave them each a hug.  He didn’t remember being so happy.  He also planted a kiss on his mom’s forehead.  At the start of her laughter, colors began to melt and flow.  Sounds were confined within tiny speakers that flowed down a river.  Neil awoke and mumbled something incomprehensible.  The nurse on duty, Maggie, leaned toward him and asked, “Neil, did you say something?  How do you feel?”


“I can’t believe I was there again.”






“Oh, I’d love to be there.”


“We went to Lord Nelson’s for lunch.  I’m so happy they got to go too.”


Maggie finished taking Neil’s temperature.  It was 104 degrees.  Two days later, Neil’s fever was gone and his remaining health issues were disappeared.  Still later when he was finally home, Neil’s phone rang.  He saw it was his father. 


“Hi dad.  How are you?”


“I’m ok but it looks like your mother got the corona.”




“Yeah, I don’t know how.  We haven’t left the house since all this started.  I’m negative but she’s positive.  How the hell does this happen?”


Then Neil remembered his dream and how he kissed his mother on the forehead.  Did he give it to her in the dream?

Saturday, September 12, 2020



In the haze of my being I stumbled on by

With heavenly clarity, I wondered why

Your truth it burst through, parting the skies

But still I believed some of the lies


Stumbling on, and living my way

Not knowing the night was actually day

The venom of spider does weaken my sight

The web of desire chains me from right


Oh is there a ember that illumines deceit?

To shatters the chains that shackle my feet

Please show me the gate that lies in this fence

Allow me to live my life quintessence 

© September 2020



Friday, September 11, 2020

Sep 11

Upon this day of horrors

I toiled away my task

When I heard the first collision

I thought about the past

Whence came the next explosion 

I finally knew at last

They fall away like dominoes

To disbelieving ears

Later we were sent away 

And wiped aside the tears

Then with the ones I love

I finally got to see 

The depths of darkness in the heart 

And what it did to me

©️September 2020


Becoming Alive


In this place where we once met 

You no longer come around

Sitting here in emptiness

I do not hear a sound

With this bridge being burned

There is but one way to leave

Away from the ashes 

To a place I can breathe 

Rotting in place is not a way

My heart wants to thrive 

Simply by leaving

I’m becoming alive

©️September 2020


Friday, September 4, 2020

Blind Horizons Review

 Here is a recent review posted about my book Blind Horizons. 

An emotional rollercoaster ride

Blind Horizons takes the reader on a journey of love, emotions and destiny. Slow paced plot with poetic prose makes it a heart-warming read.
The author's writing style and expression is authentic, gripping and vivid. Spellbinding romance grips the reins of you heart and doesn't let go.⁣
The author penned original, relatable and near to life characters. Duane layered his characterization with profound emotional depth.⁣
Blind Horizons is an emotional rollercoaster ride you aren't ready for, the kind of romance that stays with the reader for a long time like a melody that strikes all right cords.⁣
I would give this book 5 stars for the storyline with original setting. Highly recommended to the readers of Romance. ⁣
Looking forward to future works of Duane Windell Phillips

Monday, August 10, 2020

Untitled Aug 2020

 You once showed me your country

And the fire within

Now your country shows you

It doesn’t grow dim

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Beirut Explosions

Please pray for Lebanon and Beirut in particular. The country has been in turmoil for a long time. They didn’t need this. God bless you. I hope you are safe. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

July 24, 2020 thoughts

It is Friday and it is also my Friday.  Since I work rotating days, it is always nice when my Friday is also Friday.  Where should I start today?

I have a bet with someone about who will become a grandparent first.  You know who you are.  It looks like I will win.  My oldest daughter is 10 weeks along.  In my heart, I feel it will be a girl.  Does that really mean anything?  Maybe.  I was right with each of my kids. 

My wife knew she was pregnant weeks before she told us.  When they finally told us one night when we had them over for dinner, we were very nonchalant.  We already knew.  Our youngest daughter had tears of joy.  J

With all the Covid crap affecting the world, the travel and tourism industries have been devastated.  My company is no exception.  They offered early retirement packages for those who are close to retirement age and early out packages for most everyone else.  My department is losing about 30% of our workers.  Everyone must be gone by August 1st. 

We are adding more flights next month but not as many as originally planned.  Since covid cases have spiked, bookings have dropped.  Still, will there be enough people to make it all work?

I guess one bright spot is that my work ours will no longer be cut by 25% starting in August.  Since May, I’ve been making 25% less.  Of course, that isn’t ideal but I’ve had a job and some income.  We must give thanks in all things and I am truly grateful to the good Lord.

I do miss traveling.  While I did drive 2 hours to hike in the woods back in May, I haven’t flown since September 15, 2019.  If that isn’t a record long drought since I started working in the transportation industry, I must be awfully close.  I looked into doing a day trip to Chicago last week.  The flights were open but Chicago has restrictions for people entering the city from out of state. 

All in all, life is good.  I am blessed.  You are too.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

July 11, 2020 Update

It is been a very long time since I’ve posted anything on my blog.  I apologize.  It isn’t that I have been extremely busy.  Actually, I was on vacation for a little more than 3 weeks from the end of May.  Ordinarily, I would travel but with all this Covid crap, I stayed home. 

The good news there is I have done a lot of work around the house.  Most of it was cleaning and painting.  We have a nice garden.  The cucumbers and tomatoes have been delicious.  I also planted 2 blueberry bushes and have reaped a small harvest with them.  Oh yes, we all have cabbage and squash.  No zucchini, just squash.  I can’t zucchini you but I can squash you.  Are you nuts?  Lol

I finally have a coffee/tea bar in the kitchen.  It could use a little more work but I got a new coffee maker for Father’s Day and I bought an electric kettle.  Both of them are great gadgets.  I have a coworker who made his own coffee roaster and I bought a pound from him.  It smells heavenly.  I’ve never had coffee the day after it was roasted.  It is amazing.  Sadly, it is almost gone.  He needs to cut his vacation short and make more coffee for me.  Who wants some coffee?

My oldest son now lives in Tampa, Florida.  About a month ago he advised us he was with two friends that both tested positive for Covid-19.  In spite of high fevers and other common Covid symptoms, he has not been told he tested positive.  They merely said they would advise him if the results are positive.  None of us believe he didn’t have it. 

There are other family members if other parts of Florida that we believe have it.  Fortunately, none of the older family members are sick.  However, my stepmom will need to have her knees replaced soon and my dad has some other ailments.  Otherwise, we are all healthy.

I still have a job but my hours were cut by 25%.  My coworkers and I joke we don’t want to go back to full time work.  We like the extra time off.  In spite of the uptick of new corona cases in the US, the flight loads at work have been good.  Not great but good.  The level of things to do at work has increased considerably starting in July.  April, May, and June were fearfully slow. 

The company is offering early retirement packages that are very tempting.  However, I am about 5 years short of making that work.  Believe me, I hate to not take advantage but it just can’t work right now.  I’m trusting God knows what He is doing and I won’t reach out for something just because it looks good. 

Here is one positive thing:  I am now certified to teach English as a second language.  Now I am trying to find online students.  The main thing I learned when doing this certificate program is I forgot a lot of English grammar rules.  I know what is right in most situations but not why.  Are there any grammar Nazi’s out there that can help me? 

In my opinion, the news media gets worse and worse.  The rhetoric and manner of reporting is horribly divisive.  I am to the point I don’t watch the news anymore and normally only peruse news headlines.  Updates on the situation in Lebanon break my heart.  I continue donating to an organization that helps, mostly, refugees in Lebanon. They also assist impoverished individuals and families.  I hope and pray the situation there and in other places around the world improve.  As I often say, the poor always pay a price because they can’t afford not to. 

I haven’t done much writing lately.  I will put more effort into posting here.  It helps me to write anything. 


Conversations: Seek What is Real

  I recently met with a friend I hadn't seen for a few years.  He is a former pastor and current first responder chaplain.  There is so ...