Since I was a sophomore in high school, Autumn has been my favorite season. I firmly believe I am in the autumn stage of my life. Yesterday, my youngest son and I were able to chat about different things and I mentioned this to him. He seemed genuinely surprised to hear me say this. As a result of this discussion, what follows are some of my thoughts about the four seasons of life.
So what does the autumn season of life mean to me since that’s where I think I am? Actually, I guess I’m not squarely in the middle of fall. I’m in the beginning stages of fall. I’m know I’m there because of the things I’m forced to consider for the first time. My youngest moved out a few days ago. The house seems emptier than expected. I also have started thinking of retirement.
There is a retirement plan where I work. Nevertheless, I haven’t bothered investigating it at all. That is, until a few months ago when my company offered me a severance package. I’m about 12 years from getting a full retirement here in the US. Still, what I was offered to too good to ignore.
We spoke with a financial advisor at our bank and he confirmed what we thought. If I retired from my job, I would need to get another job. With Covid reducing the job markets to bare bones, job prospects aren’t good.
Autumn is the time you harvest the fruits of your labor. Your kids are grown up and leave the house. As noted in my comments about spring, when the nest is emptied, our eyes are opened to what our work was for. Then you see if our children truly follow your advice. Did you do enough to have a retirement nest egg? If you were deficient during the summer, there is little time to make up for lost time.
For me, I’ve always been more reflective when it is Fall. I find myself soaking in the colors and smells. Consequently, I am doing more of that now. I want to reconnect with friends and family that were neglected during the child rearing years. I know the days are getting short and I don’t have a lot of time.
Next up, winter
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