Thursday, December 17, 2020

In The Heavens

The following was originally given as a speech during the Christmas time of year in the early 2000s.  I had often wondered what it was that the Magi saw when they came to find the new King of Israel.  Due to the Internet research, I was able to find information noted in the story below.    Rather than a single bright star, the wise men from the east read the stars.  Perhaps this is how it happened.  The dates are given so modern people can understand when it happened.  If I said something happened in the 8th year of King So and So's reign, that means little.  However, to say it was June 23, 4 BC.  You have a point of reference.  

**On December 21, 2020 there will be a grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.  It just so happens there were similar events in the heavens in 6 BC.  Some people believe that is the year Jesus was born.**  


Belteshazaar was a retired Captain of the Persian Army.  As with any soldier who found himself in the heat of battle, he had immense pride for his brothers in arms.  He grew misty-eyed when he recounted his war stories.  All his family knew that his years in the military had shaped the strong man he was.   

One day, he called his youngest grandson to his side.  His name also was Belteshazaar, but his grandfather called him Bely.  When Bely came to his grandfather’s side, the boy sat at his feet.  His grandfather opened his mouth to speak.   

“I know that you know I have a fascination for the stars.  I love to look at the night sky and gaze at that blanket of black with its diamonds fixed in place.  I’ve never told you why I love star gazing.  As a matter of fact, there are only a few people that I’ve mentioned this to before.”  

Bely asked, “Grandpa Bel, did you ever tell grandma?”  Grandpa Bel said with a wink, “You know your grandma.  She forced it out of me.”  They both smiled.   

“Of course I’ve told you about my days in the Calvary.”   

“Yes, and how the Persian Calvary could regularly whip the Roman armies.  Yes, grandpa, you told me."   

“But what I never told you before was the time my unit was called for a special duty and how I saw a baby king.”  

Bely’s eyes grew wide.  “Wow, grandpa.  A baby king.  Did you really see a baby king?”  Grandpa Bel nodded in affirmation.   

“We were called to provide escort for Magi as they traveled to a foreign and possibly hostile country.  I must tell you that we were strutting when we entered Jerusalem.  You could see the fear in the eyes of the citizens.  We were scared too because we were far from home and had no reinforcements.  I found out later the Jerusalem garrison was off fighting in another country when we arrived.  No wonder the whole city was nervous...  I’m getting ahead of myself.“ 

“When we joined up with the Magi, all we knew was we needed to escort them wherever they went.  When I asked where we were going, I was told they didn’t know.  I asked when we were moving out, but they didn’t know.  I was frustrated.  How could I protect them if I didn’t know when or where we were going?   

“The Magi would spend night after night looking at the stars.  Night upon night and nothing.  Rather than lose my cool and lose the trust of those we were protecting, I tried to get more information.  I learned from one of the assistants that on February 3 BC, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars stood together in a loose triangle in the western sky.  This was seen as a sign of events to follow.   

“On August 1st 3 BC, Jupiter rose helically in the dawn.  That means the 1st rising after being invisible due to the closeness to the sun.  On August 13th at 5 AM, Jupiter and Venus stood at less than half the width of the moon in the sunrise glare.  On the 18th, Mercury came out of the solar glare, and on September 1st with the sun in Virgo, Mercury and Venus were close together in the constellation Leo.”   

Bely looked at his grandfather with a blank expression.  “None of this makes sense to you does it?”  The boy slowly shook his head.  “It didn’t to me either at the time, but when I got the explanation, my jaw must have hit the floor.”   

Basically, Jupiter, the King planet, left the Sun, the Father of the Gods, to be conjoined with Venus, the Virgin Mother in the constellation of Leo.  This is a symbol for the tribe of Judah in Israel.  Then, Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, came from the Sun’s presence to stand with Venus, the Virgin Mother, in the rays of the dawn.  “ 

Bely asked, “So this was a Hebrew king you saw?  I didn’t know they had any kings.”  Grandpa Bel replied, 

“You’re right. They don’t have any kings now, but there was something special about this one and by going to Jerusalem, we were telling the king there at the time that our country planned to recognize his kingdom.   

“We abruptly left the country without going back to King Herod.  He asked us to tell him where the baby king could be found but the Magi were warned in a dream not to go back.  It saddens me when I think about all the baby boys killed by Herod.  I later learned that Herod had all boys under the age of two put to death.  There must have been a lot of crying in the Hebrew cities.”   

“On September 14 3 BC Jupiter stood next to Regulus.  Regulus is a star in Leo and means royalty.  This was repeated on February 17th and May 8th 2 BC.  On June 17th 2 BC, Jupiter, and Venus collided.  Well, it seemed that way.  The two brightest stars seemed to be fused together.   

On August 27, 2 BC a grand conjunction of the planets took place.  Jupiter and Mars were close together and Mercury and Venus were close together in the rays of the sunrise in Virgo.  THEN Jupiter moved west.  It did this through the month of November.”   

This was the sign the Magi were looking for.  We set out to follow the star.  I felt funny giving orders to my men that we were after a star, but you can’t argue with what the heavens are doing.”  

Some weeks later we were in Jerusalem trying to find where the Hebrew king was supposed to be born.  We were told it was in Bethlehem.  At this time Jupiter was south and stopped above Bethlehem.  It was December 25th.”   

Bely, I must say that such an occurrence, such a chain of events in the nighttime sky touched me.  When we reached Bethlehem and the Magi went into the house to pay homage, I thought back over the months I had spent with the Magi.  I realized that I wanted to get on with the mission, but the star gods were in no hurry.  Ever since then, I’ve realized that the gods are not in a hurry.  We want things taken care of right away, but that isn’t always what we get.  Still, I find that things work out perfectly despite my own efforts.” 

“But grandpa,” Bely said, “you said you saw the baby king.  When did you see him?”  

"As we were leaving the area after the Magi offered their gifts, the mother and baby came out of the house.  I stood there for a moment not sure of what to do.  Finally, I bowed before her and the child.  She nodded, smiled, and went on her way.”   

Bely was silent for a moment and then asked, “Grandpa, why did Persian Kings seek out a Hebrew king?  Why honor a foreign king?”  Grandpa Bel answered, “I can see we are very much alike.  I asked the same thing.  I was told that in 605 BC King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Israel and took many captives to Babylon.  One of them was named Belteshazaar.”  

Bely interrupted and said, “That’s our name, grandpa!”   

“It sure is but I don’t think he is any relation.  Belteshazaar proved to be a prophet whose predictions were never wrong.  Though a slave, he was made an official in the king’s court and wrote a book of his prophesies.  It is from this book that it was known the Hebrew king was coming.  Also, our own religion told of a king that was coming and he would be heralded in the heavens.  

“We know him as Belteshazaar, but can you guess what the Hebrews called him?  Daniel.   Bely, do you see now why your grandpa stargazes?  If such signs can be seen in the stars, just think of all that we miss when we are not quiet, when we don’t wait, look, or listen.  It’s all in the heavens.” 

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