Since I was a sophomore in high school, Autumn has been my favorite season. I firmly believe I am in the autumn stage of my life. Yesterday, my youngest son and I were able to chat about different things and I mentioned this to him. He seemed genuinely surprised to hear me say this. As a result of this discussion, what follows are some of my thoughts about the four seasons of life.
Spring is a time of birth. I am sure this is a worldwide belief. However, I also see it is as a time of unbridled action. Growth always comes to babies without any effort on their part. The bounty is great and incremental development continues in all areas of life.
When I think of babies, I picture a little creature that desires to take in all there is in the world around them. Little ones don’t want to go to sleep. There is too much to do, see, and hear. They fight sleep with all their being. Of course, they eventually succumb. Then they are little angels.
Like the seasons have no obvious starts and stops, other than our calendars, there are no certain signs of seasons of life. Each of us is different and we transcend the times. However, I feel there is a way to know when we have moved from once season to the next. I feel there is a clear moment that points to the transition from spring to summer. When we move out of our parent’s house we are moving from spring to summer.
I also believe we are given a new vision or understanding of who we are and where we are. When a child leaves the nest, their eyes are opened to what they had while in the nest. They didn’t see it when they were there. Perhaps they finally understand the siblings they fought with but loved anyway. Maybe they see the sacrifices their parents made. Regardless, they suddenly have a new understanding in exchange for the transition they make.
Next up, summer
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