Saturday, October 10, 2015

Wisdom and Faith

When I was younger I wanted to get more wisdom.  Not to blow my own horn but I always seemed to be wise beyond my years.  There were just things that I understood before my friends.  I wasn't the smartest person in my class but there were things in life that were plain to me that my friends missed.  
I remember reading about wisdom once.  Some people view wisdom this way.

Picture yourself being in an Air Traffic Control tower.  From this vantage point, you can see everything that is happening.  You know were all the aircraft are.  When a controller requests a plane to change altitude or speed or make a turn you can see why.  The reasons are clear because you can see how everything reacts and plays together.  It makes sense.  But this is not wisdom.  

Some of us think that if we could see all the pieces we would be wise.  That is not wisdom. Wisdom doesn't know everything.  

Wisdom can be illustrated like this.

You are driving down the road in your car.  The road takes a turn to the left.  You don't question why the road bends to the left you turn with the road.  You can't see everything going on around you but you are cautious and watchful.  Personally, I try to see what's going on at least 2 to 3 cars ahead of me.  If the brake lights go on a few cars ahead, I take my foot off the accelerator.  I would rather have an accident be in front of me than be a part of it.  

Wisdom takes the cards that are dealt and make the most of the situation.  You understand that sometimes we don’t choose between right and wrong.  Instead, we decide between what is better and best. We don’t always know which is which.  We should seek council from those who know more than us.  

The bible says that God’s word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path.  The lamps that were used in the bible days didn’t give much light.  However, they did allow a person to see the step ahead of them.  When you take that step, you can see the next one -step- and the next one -step- and the next one -step- and the next one.  Have faith that God can guide you one step at a time.  

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