Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Leading to Faith

The Hebrews were free.  They saw many miracles and signs from this God that said they belonged to Him.  All they knew was slavery and the treatment they received from their taskmasters.  Now, not only were they free, they left Egypt with riches.  God led them through the desert and, the biggest miracle of all, parted the Red Sea for them to escape from the Egyptian chariots.  

Now in the desert they hunger and thirst.  They grumbled against Moses.  They felt it better to be enslaved than to die in the desert.  So God promised them meat at night and bread in the morning.  Quails visited the camp at night and an odd substance formed from the morning dew.  

As a method of drawing out the faith of His people, God only allowed the Hebrews to gather enough of the morning food for each day.  On the 6th day they were to gather enough food for the following day.  They proved their faithfulness by only gathering the days’ food every day but the 6th.  They could gather no more.  Those who tried learned the food spoiled. 

Such an odd command from God.  What was the point?  

His people needed to learn that they could trust Him to meet their needs.  We, I, need to trust God to meet our needs.  From where did God rescue you?  Have you learned to trust Him?

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