Friday, June 12, 2015

The Parting: Christmas Eve

Late Monday night, Pastor Bill checked his emails. His workday was pretty busy and he didn’t have the opportunity to do that part of his job. He could normally count on receiving some sort of feedback after giving some sermons. He was certain yesterday’s was one of them.

Specifically, he felt his reference to scientists believing the world was billions of years old rather than a few thousand years, like the majority of Christians and Jews believe, would be a problem. It seemed inevitable that someone wouldn’t hear him correctly and they would think he believed the world wasn’t created in six 24 hour periods. The seventh day God rested. Pastor Bill was pleased that no one had misheard that point and, on the whole, all the feedback he received was positive. The negative comment was from someone who thought his tie was too loud.

Charlotte was overjoyed when she spoke to Samantha. The sermon was very moving and it fortified her lagging faith. Learning that Samantha gave her heart to the Lord gave her such joy. Words could not describe it. It gave her hope for her relationship with Jack. After lunch, she called Jack but he didn’t answer his phone so she called the house. She learned from Nancy that something had happened at MIA’s house but that was all she knew at the time. Nancy said it was obvious Jack was upset but wouldn’t say anything else. Nancy told her son she would pray and Jack said she needed to. Charlotte began to pray. She didn’t know what could have happened but she hoped it wouldn’t ruin Christmas.

Nancy went to John’s room to tell him what she knew and to ask him to pray. She was surprised to hear him react negatively. John commented that ever since Jack had been home, the whole house has been on pins and needles and he always seemed angry or had an attitude or had some sort of drama going on. He was getting tired of it. Nancy was shocked since she didn’t expect such a reaction. She didn’t see it coming. The two of them discussed the matter and afterward, Nancy better understood John’s position. It did not change the fact that Jack was his brother and the two of them had fought like cats and dogs before. Having differences now wasn’t all that odd. John was glad to have shared with his mother and the two of them prayed for Jack and his friends.

JoJo had calmed himself by the time the police arrived at MIA’s house. The officer’s took statements from both of the obviously upset young men. Based on the evidence at the scene, it was a suicide case. A suicide on December 24th. Both officers and Jack and JoJo couldn’t seem to shake the thought that it was somehow an omen that MIA killed himself on that day. Jack’s thoughts went back to the nightmare he had weeks before. He kept picturing the yellow semi smashing into the car in front of him. His mind reviewed the scene and he relived telling the sister he didn’t have in real life what had happened. He was shaken to the core.

After getting home, he related the events to his mother and brother. He spoke in unemotional tones, just giving the facts. He sat silently for a few moments after he finished before saying, “I want to cry but I can’t. It is like there is a cork in the bottle of my tears. They just won’t come. I don’t know how to let this go.” John and Nancy held Jack. Nancy finally said, “We’ll be here whenever you need us.”

Nancy asked if Jack wanted to participate in the Christmas Eve festivities the family normally did. Jack simply said he wanted to go to sleep. He felt exhausted. Feet by the pillow and head at the foot of the bed, Jack looked up at the ceiling in his room. He couldn’t help but feel the contrast of how he felt with the holiday season. Christmas represented life. All he felt was death. People around him were happy, joyous about Christmas. He felt such a profound sadness. He felt empty. He felt turned inside out.  He felt full of unspeakable horrors.

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