Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Parting: Strained Relationships

Bob and Samantha continued dating and, to an outsider, it appeared everything was going well.  The relationship was a strain on Bob.  On the one hand, he enjoyed and appreciated Samantha.  Also, the sex was great.  However, each time they had sex, Bob felt guilty.  He tried to hide it but Samantha noticed a distance whenever they finished. 

At first she thought it a typical man thing.  Men always wanted to leave after sex.  Therefore, she didn’t think too much of it though doubts started to creep into her mind.  Finally, curiosity and a bit of despair got the best of her and she asked what he was thinking.  “Right now?”  Bob asked. 

“Of course, right now.”

“I feel guilty.”

“Guilty?  Why?”

“Well, I still feel sex before marriage is wrong.  I’m living the life of a hypocrite.  I feel guilty.” 

This cut Samantha to the quick.  She believed their relationship was getting better but it obviously wasn’t.  It was all an illusion.  For a brief moment she wanted to cry but instead she got angry.  Though she was steaming hot, she still spoke in a collected manner.  The rest of the night they discussed their relationship.  It became obvious to Samantha that she was more into the relationship than Bob. 

During the drive home, Bob felt horrible.  What was he doing?  He had a great woman and was being an idiot.  Yes, he knew he shouldn’t be sleeping with her.  She had so many other great qualities.  The following day he spoke with his father, but not with any detail about the relationship, and during the conversation, he decided he needed to stop sleeping with Samantha.  He would no longer feel guilty and felt they could improve the relationship. 

When he called Samantha after talking with his father, he learned that she planned a trip back to her home town.  She explained the need to get away for a bit.  Bob was deeply troubled by this but felt he had no place to make her cancel the trip.  He did not mention his thoughts on abstinence and hopes to deepen the relationship. 

Before Samantha left, she told him not to call or text.  She wanted time away.  Her words cut him but he said nothing.  He agreed to not try to contact her but did reserve the right if there was an emergency.  With that, he decided to spend her time away praying, reading the bible and getting his life back in order. 

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