Ever since I can remember, I have had a fascination about military topics. In particular, I like reading about battles during World War II. One thing I have noticed in conflicts where one group wants to take a position currently held by another is that there are two ways to take the position. 1. You must attack and cause him to retreat. 2. You must attack and kill him. As long as the enemy is on that ground, you do not have it.
For people who are believers in Christ, we hold a position in Him. We are sons and daughters of God. Galatians 3:26, “In Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.”
Also, “God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:6
So what does our position in Christ have to do with taking the position of our enemy? I trust it is obvious we do not want the position of the enemy. If you’ve read to the end of the bible, you know what Satan’s end is. However, he does attack us. He is always probing our position and trying to determine our weaknesses. Once identified, he attacks them. Therefore, we need to be on the alert and we must be sober minded and prepared.
Due to our position in Christ, we can never lose when we stand firm in His promises. “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37 So it hit me today that, since we can’t lose when we live in Christ, the only way the devil wins is when we give up. If we continually stand in faith and trust that God’s will is best, we win. Even it if appears to the world we lost, if we keep faith in God, we win. We only lose when we give up our faith.
Many years ago, I considered the verse where Jesus says that if we have the faith of a mustard seed we could move mountains. I couldn’t help but think that it must not take much faith to get us through our present circumstances. Romans 12:3 states that God gives to each a measure of faith. What excuse do we have? If only a little faith is all it takes for us to stand firm, and God gives that faith to us, we should always stand strong to the devil and let Christ have the victory.
I am saying this for my own benefit as well as yours. Remember who you are in Christ. Stand firm in that knowledge. Do not give an inch to the devil. It is only when you give up that he wins. Give God the glory for victory in Jesus.