Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stand Your Ground

Ever since I can remember, I have had a fascination about military topics.  In particular, I like reading about battles during World War II.  One thing I have noticed in conflicts where one group wants to take a position currently held by another is that there are two ways to take the position.  1. You must attack and cause him to retreat.  2. You must attack and kill him.  As long as the enemy is on that ground, you do not have it.

For people who are believers in Christ, we hold a position in Him.  We are sons and daughters of God.  Galatians 3:26, “In Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.” 

Also, “God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:6

So what does our position in Christ have to do with taking the position of our enemy?  I trust it is obvious we do not want the position of the enemy.  If you’ve read to the end of the bible, you know what Satan’s end is.  However, he does attack us.  He is always probing our position and trying to determine our weaknesses.  Once identified, he attacks them.  Therefore, we need to be on the alert and we must be sober minded and prepared.

Due to our position in Christ, we can never lose when we stand firm in His promises.  “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”  Romans 8:37  So it hit me today that, since we can’t lose when we live in Christ, the only way the devil wins is when we give up.  If we continually stand in faith and trust that God’s will is best, we win.  Even it if appears to the world we lost, if we keep faith in God, we win.  We only lose when we give up our faith. 

Many years ago, I considered the verse where Jesus says that if we have the faith of a mustard seed we could move mountains.  I couldn’t help but think that it must not take much faith to get us through our present circumstances.  Romans 12:3 states that God gives to each a measure of faith.  What excuse do we have?  If only a little faith is all it takes for us to stand firm, and God gives that faith to us, we should always stand strong to the devil and let Christ have the victory. 

I am saying this for my own benefit as well as yours.  Remember who you are in Christ.  Stand firm in that knowledge.  Do not give an inch to the devil.  It is only when you give up that he wins.  Give God the glory for victory in Jesus. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Paradise: Final

Light was finally showing but RB wasn’t out of the dark yet.  He still had a few weeks before he would walk out of The Bad Place for the last time.  Too bad time didn’t fly.  Instead, time seemed to drag each day until RB drove home.  Upon looking back on the day, RB marveled how quickly it went. 

One week before RB’s last day, there was a lunch party for RB and Pam, who was going to another area within the company.  RB drove two coworkers to the Thai restaurant a few blocks away.  RB liked spicy food but had forgotten how spicy Thai food can be.  He was glad he normally drank water.  He was thirsty when everyone arrived and drank a glass and a half before everyone was served.  He merely continued this trend as a means of quenching the fire in his mouth. 

Shortly after lunch, there was a pow wow in the break room.  It was in honor of the young lady who was moving on.  She gave an emotional farewell and a cake was brought in.  After the cake was served, RB extended his congratulations.  Then he headed back to his cubicle.  He wanted to finish early if possible.  He wanted to get out of there.  The party made him anxious to leave once and for all. 

When the big day finally came, emotion filled RB’s heart.  It didn’t seem real.  It reminded him of when he was a child waiting for Christmas.  When the day finally arrived, it wasn’t real and it went too fast.  He also always regretted its passing.  He didn’t expect a luncheon since it was understood they shared the one at the Thai restaurant.  Still, he wanted to share his heart with his coworkers as Pam did the previous week.  He looked forward to it.
While eating lunch, RB pondered what he would say as his last words to his coworkers.  There were only four people in the department that had been there longer.  Therefore, most people were relatively new and RB believed he could impart some knowledge.  More than anything, he wanted to stress that by uplifting each other, they could get through each day. 
Around 2:00, the phone rang.  RB saw it was Matt and believed he was calling about the meeting so he could say goodbye and give his thoughts. 
“Hello, boss.  What’s up?”
“Close it up and go home.  Thanks for your hard work.”
Bewildered, RB asked, “Really?”
“Yes, you deserve it.  Go home early for a change.”
Disappointed, RB expressed appreciation and hung up.  He gathered his things and went from cubicle to cubicle saying goodbye.  One person questioned why RB didn’t have a meeting to say goodbye.  RB simply said he was told to leave early.  He never said it but RB felt it was a parting shot from The Bad Place.  It would never let him have any satisfaction. 
RB had five days off before training for the new job began.  It was completely different than anything he had done before and it bended his mind.  Still, he felt that was a good thing.  At least three times before his class, which began at 5:00 PM, he stopped by The Bad Place to say hello to friends.  It was during the third visit someone commented they see RB more now than before.  RB never returned until a time a former coworker specifically asked him to visit. 
It was about six months into the new job when RB realized he finally was over The Bad Place.  He believed all the crud that had accumulated on his soul was gone.  It only added to the joy that was in his heart.  It hadn’t been easy being in The Bad Place but as bad as that was, the new place was that much better.  In RB’s mind, it truly was paradise. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Paradise Part 19

Adrenaline flooded RB’s body.  Was the sun finally going to peak over the horizon?  After so many years of drudgery, was the dawn finally coming?  The weight of the job, the cavernous emptiness of giving and giving and giving to people had crushed RB for so long.  The infinite line of complaints, that continuous stream of incoming mail that sucked the life from every person in the office, was it finally over? 
RB replied, “Yes, Mr. Dawson.  What’s the word?” 
Bill Dawson continued, “Well, I’d like to offer you one of my Equipment Scheduler positions.  Are you still interested?”
Joy!  Sheer unadulterated joy coursed through RB.  Like a lifelong prisoner who finally greeted the sun on the day of his release, RB wanted to cry out in jubilation. He wanted to kiss the man through the phone.  However, RB calmly and professionally replied, “Yes, I am interested.  Thank you very much.”
Bill advised of the start date, which was in three and a half weeks.  RB thought to himself it was three and a half weeks too long.  Also, there would be a pay increase.  Icing and a cherry on top of the cake.  When Bill was finished, RB politely said, “Thank you very much.  I’m excited to get started.”
Without removing his headset, RB picked up his phone and called his wife.  The sky seemed brighter.  RB felt as if he floated.  He could fly with the eagles.  After giving the news to his wife, he walked to Matt’s office.  Upon hearing his employee was leaving, Matt smiled and said, “Congratulations!  You deserve this.”  RB smiled.
Matt continued, “I hate to say it but I’ve known for almost two weeks but couldn’t say anything.  It was stuck in HR and nothing could be done until they gave it their blessing.”
“So you knew the other day when you asked if I heard anything?”  Then RB smiled and said, “You jerk!”  He didn’t mean it.  He was too happy to be angry.
Driving home that night, RB wanted to pinch himself to see if he was dreaming.  It couldn’t be possible.  After all these years, he was finally getting out of The Bad Place.  Oh bliss!  Oh heavenly joy, rapturous joy!  He was free.  Finally, free! 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Paradise Part 18

Three days later, RB was reminiscing with Jennifer about circumstances when he was originally hired by Blue Skies.  The conversation started when Jennifer remarked about money being tight and how she worked two jobs or a while.  Memories flooded in from his young and single days 
“The day I got the call from Blue Skies for a job interview, I literally just learned I didn’t get a job I had interviewed for the day before.”
“Yeah, crazy isn’t it?  I was working at a department store and returned to my work area after being told I didn’t get this job I interviewed for.  When I get to my department, someone tells me to call my roommate.  My roommate says Blue Skies called to set up an interview.  I had a friend that had worked at Britt Airlines and she says I have to dress up for the interview.  Like I wasn’t gonna do that anyway.  I work in the Men’s Department.  Of course, I know how to dress up.
“So I go to the interview, dressed to kill.  The interview goes real good and when it is all over, the guy says he wants to fly me to the headquarters for another interview.  I shake his hand and am about to walk out the door when he tells me he was never, ever gonna call me in for an interview because my handwriting was so sloppy.  I guess my appearance was such a contrast to my handwriting it impressed him enough to want to hire me.”  Jennifer laughed as RB continued, “As you know my handwriting is bad but I remember to this day that was one of the sloppiest applications I ever filled out.  Funny thing is, I see this guy years later and ask if he remembers me.  He does.  Then I ask if he remembers his comment about my handwriting.  He does.  I say that I tell that story from time to time.  He says he does too.  We both got a laugh outta that.”
Later that afternoon the phone rang.  It was Jessica.  RB answered and immediately said, “RB, I need to get over here.  A guy got through security and is downstairs.  He wants to talk to someone.”
“Ok but it will be a while.  Remember, our office was moved to another building.”
“Shit!  That’s right.  I’ll call ya back.” 
RB sat for a moment, unsure what to do.  Should he go to his car and drive over anyway?  It would be five to ten minutes depending on lights and traffic.  He started walking to the office for the manager on duty since someone needed to know where he was.  As he neared the office, Greg walked out.  At seeing RB he said, “RB, good!  Jessica just called me.  We need to get there ASAP.  Some guy got through security and wants to talk to someone.”
“Yeah, Jessica just called me about that.  I told her it would be a few minutes before I could get there.  Then she said she’d call me back and hung up.”
“Ok.  I told her we’d be right over.  I’ll drive.”
The man who wanted to speak with someone had time to realize what he did.  He sat sheepishly in the waiting area below the CEO’s office.  When Greg and RB introduced themselves, he gave his name and said, “I probably should have thought about what I did, shouldn’t I. 
After discussing how he got through security and determining he had no violent intentions, they got down to the business of his problem.  As he explained the issue, RB marveled.  It was another example of a customer being frustrated by the inability or lack of desire on the part of employees to help someone with a simple issue.  Too many times had RB handled a deal where the customer had a problem but was quoted the rules by various employees.  Had they listened to the customer, they would have understood an exception was needed. 
Greg and RB helped the man get back through security with the understanding RB would handle the issue upon returning to his office and would follow up with a phone call so he knew it was completed.  Once the man left company grounds, they went up to the CEO’s office to discuss the situation.  Jessica was pleased it was handled quickly.  They then discussed how to best handle another security breach in the future. 
The message light was illuminated on RB’s phone upon returning to his office.  That was standard.  RB felt his heart race listening to the voicemail that said, “Robert Baxter, this is Bill Dawson.  Please call me back about the job you interviewed for.” 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Paradise Part 17

Four weeks passed and RB heard nothing regarding the job interview.  He tried to remain optimistic.  As the saying goes, no news is good news.  As long as he wasn’t told no, he still had a chance.  Still, doubts crept in.  It had been nearly nine and a half years since he began working in The Bad Place.  He applied for a multitude of jobs with nothing to show for it.  He had some interviews, but no luck.  Nine plus years of negativity makes it hard to believe in hope.  Hope was for other people. 
As the work day was coming to a close, anger began to simmer in RB’s veins.  Again, his hopes were being smashed on the rocky shores of reality.  Even though he tried to temper his optimism, the mere prospect of finally escaping was intoxicating.  Instead, he was reminded again of the walls and bars separating him from life.  Working in this place was no life.  The thought of being there until he retired or died weighed on him but what choice did he have? 
He tried to find a different job inside and outside the company.  God was holding him back.  What other explanation could there be?  How else could this situation be explained?  RB knew he wasn’t the absolute best employee but felt few could be better.  He knew his immediate management and the executives for whom he worked appreciated his efforts.  The CEO sent notes of thanks from time to time.  One could say he was simply being nice.  However, RB recently was copied in on an email from the CEO which originated from the CEO of a partner airline.  In advising the partner airline RB would handle it, the CEO specifically mentioned RB was good at what he did.  RB was certain the comment wasn’t necessary but it made him happy. 
RB knew everyone who had hired him never regretted it.  In fact, he was positive they were happy to employ him.  So why was it so hard to get out?  God must want him there.  Didn’t God know how much the job scraped away at his soul?  It was such a millstone around his neck.  If God had an ultimate purpose, it was hard to see how there was a benefit. 
As RB pulled his things together to leave for the day, Matt appeared at the entrance to his cubicle and asked, “Hey, any news?”
“No, nothing.  Just crickets.”
“Oh, sorry.  No news is good news, right?”
“That’s what they say.”
“Well, I won’t hold you up.  Have a good night.”
“Thanks, you too.”
It angered RB that Matt stopped by.  If he knew Bill Dawson, couldn’t he ask what was going on?  Was Matt playing with him?  RB seethed as he left the cubicle.  As he walked to the elevator, the anger subsided.  As he walked out to his car, his emotions gave in to the deadening sadness that seemed to permeate his life for many years.  Again, he felt dead inside with no hope for life.  Tomorrow would be another day of people complaining that he would try to make happy. 
As he drove, RB thought, when will someone try to make me happy?  When will it be my turn?  Must I continue like this forever?

Paradise Part 16

A few days later, it struck RB that his manager may know Bill Dawson.  Matt came to customer service from the maintenance base and Bill Dawson’s title indicated he was part of that division.  He asked Matt when he saw him the following day.  Matt made a face which RB could not translate then plainly said he knew him.  RB was uncertain what to think.  Was Matt hiding something?  Was he not pleased RB wanted a different job?  Perhaps sensing RB’s conflict, Matt said, “Bill’s a good guy.  I think you’d like him as a manager.”


“Let me know if you want any help with the interview?”
RB thought with the number of interviews he had done, he didn’t need practice.  Then again, he was still in the same job.  He probably needed all the help he could get.”
“Thanks, again.  I know how to do the STAR interview but you can never get enough practice, right?”
Since RB knew little about the job, he realized he should investigate it.  He knew one person who worked in the same office.  Imagine his surprise to learn she was a supervisor in Equipment Scheduling.  RB sent her an email confirming her title and if she still worked there.  Once Barbara sent an affirmative reply, RB advised he would soon be interviewing for an open position and requested a time to visit and observe the job. 
Based on his job handling complaints, it seemed to RB the company did more wrong than right.  Following his time observing Barbara, RB came away believing things could be a lot worse.  RB was amazed to learn the complexity of the operation.  The Equipment Schedulers constantly monitored the operation and coordinated operations in hub airports when a flight delay could be minimized or eliminated.  Also, they continually worked to move maintenance work that may be lost whenever airplanes were swapped.  RB plainly saw for every action required to keep the operation running smoothly today, most of which customers never see, twice the work was often needed to set up a plane into a maintenance base tomorrow or later. 
When the day of the interview finally arrived, RB tempered his excitement.  After such a long string of disappointments, there was no reason to believe this would be any different.  When it was finished, only a few things stood out:  first, RB was certain Bill Dawson knew the work his people did.  Second, RB was happy to learn there were three positions to be filled since that improved the odds.  Third, this job was very different than handling complaints.  Fourth, RB was surprised only Bill Dawson conducted the interview.  It was only the second time during his time at the company one person did the interview.  The first was for his first job at the company.
While driving back to his office, RB replayed a moment that would stay with him forever.  Bill had just explained the job and hours.  The shifts were 12 hours per day.  He would work three days and then be off three day.  Then three more followed by four days off.  When your day is over, you turn everything over to the person relieving you.  Then Bill asked, “Would you have a problem working a schedule like this?”
RB thought about his current job.  He always began the day before his scheduled start time.  He normally left late.  Ten hour days were normal.  Eleven hour days were common.  RB did have twelve hour days from time to time.  He did this five days per week.  He wanted to laugh at the question but knew he needed to state it in a positive manner.  Still, he couldn’t help himself when he said, “Well, I typically work 10-11 hour days five days a week.  Three twelve hour days should be no problem at all.” 
He hoped that didn’t sound too smug.  The fact of the matter was RB knew this was a great opportunity and wanted to sell himself as the best candidate but he didn’t want to appear too anxious.  As he parked the car, RB remembered the position had the opportunity for overtime.  The thought of just the chance for extra money was too much to be true.  All of it was too much to be true.  As RB walked back into the building, back to The Bad Place, he knew he was back to reality. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Paradise Part 15

While composing a letter one day, RB’s phone rang.  The name William Dawson appeared on the phone display.  RB didn’t recognize the name but answered it anyway.  It if was a number from outside the company, he wouldn’t have answered it.  He learned early in his time in The Bad Place to never answer calls he didn’t recognize.  The only time he did, he was caught on the phone for over an hour.  If a customer was calling him back, he left the number for the switchboard who connected him with the customer. 
RB put his headset on and lifted the receiver saying, “Hello, this is Robert Baxter.  How can I help you? 
“Robert, Bill Dawson, manager of Equipment Scheduling.  You submitted a bid for a job and I’d like to set up a time for you to come in for an interview.”
RB’s mind was blank for a moment.  He didn’t remember bidding on this job.  The only one he remembered bidding for in the last few months was filled by a coworker.  Still, he wasn’t going to let an opportunity go to waste.  He and Bill Dawson agreed upon a date and time.  Dawson followed up with an email confirming the interview which RB forwarded to his manager.  Matt replied immediately with a short reply: “Congratulations!  I know you’ll do great.”
An ember, a small spark of hope flared in RB’s soul.  Instead of focusing on another thought of hope, which always resulted in disappointment, RB returned to typing his letter.  He wrote what he always wrote.  He told the customer how sorry he was they were disappointed with their travel experience.  The situations they described were not what they want for their customers.  He would forward their letter to the appropriate areas for review. 
He did mean it for each customer but it seemed trite after saying it after a few thousand times.  He genuinely hoped things would improve to a point he could do something else.  How nice would it be that the company would one day see they have too many people to handle the number of complaints received?  Maybe the CEO would want RB to do other work for him.  Oh, to finally escape from The Bad Place!
The next letter was an interesting one.  A father and daughter were returning from Caracas, Venezuela in first class.  The flight attendant served salads and the father noted a mushroom on his salad.  Since he didn’t like mushrooms, he set it off to the side.  After finishing her salad, the daughter remembered she didn’t receive a mushroom on hers.  With her fork, she began investigating her father’s mushroom only to learn it was a frog.
The conversation with the million miler father was pleasant.  RB related a story from his early airline career when he used to clean airplanes.  He worked in New York City and they found a live tree frog in the passenger cabin on a plane that flew in from Florida.  This was in the dead of winter.  The customer understood things happen and didn’t really want compensation but felt the airline should be aware.  RB thanked him for the letter and loyalty.  Why can’t all customers be like this man? 

Friday, January 1, 2016


Screaming I entered
Groaning I'll leave
Oh loss
Oh brokenness
Oh emptiness
Oh loss
This cavernous void
This echoing silence
This consuming death
This life
Oh loss
Oh loss
Loathsome life
Fearsome wails
Abject darkness
Perfect despair
Oh loss
Oh loss
This barren soul
This empty heart
This voided spirit
This hollow field
Oh my life
Oh this desolation
Such empty loss
Sighs escape my lips
Groans return
Darkness, my abode
Emptiness, my feast
Oh death
Oh companion
Oh my life
Oh loss
This pitiful veneer
This hollow facade
This edifice of gloom
Lost, empty, bankrupt
Screaming I entered
Mute I'll leave

Conversations: Seek What is Real

  I recently met with a friend I hadn't seen for a few years.  He is a former pastor and current first responder chaplain.  There is so ...