Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Parting: Are We There Yet?

Before they began their descent into Ganci Air Base in northern Kyrgyzstan, the captain turned to look at the charter coordinator who sat nervously in the jump seat behind him and said, “There will be tanks on the ground during our approach. I need you to make sure none of the barrels are pointed at us.”

“I didn’t need to hear that.” was the reply.

The captain turned back to his business of getting ready to land but stole a quick glance to the 1st officer and they shared a grin. Sure enough, there were a lot of tanks on the ground as the Boeing 777 landed. The military had contracted to use this plane to move Jack’s unit back to the US. The charter coordinator, cockpit crew, and flight attendants all were looking forward to this day. It was always special to them to bring the troops home. Every military charter she worked, the lead flight attendant made it a point to hug and thank every soldier that boarded the plane. However, for now, they had to wait for the military transports that would bring Jack and his comrades from Afghanistan to Kyrgyzstan and used the time to ensure everything was ready.

Jack and JoJo sat next to each other staring mindlessly across the fuselage of the military transport. Despite the excitement they felt for going home, they were weary. Many man hours were used in packing equipment and moving boxes and crates in preparation of the big move. Of course, when they weren’t packing, lifting and moving, they were bored.  That is unless an NCO came by and saw them doing nothing.  Then it seemed they would get busy again.

Jack and JoJo talked many times with each other about their home towns, family, girlfriends, and what they wanted to do when they grew up. More than anything, both wanted to marry their sweethearts when they got home. They dreamed of the way they would propose and how many kids they wanted. Yes, they would live life to the fullest.

The transition from the military transport to the commercial plane was quick and easy. The airline flight crew made every effort to ensure they soldiers felt at home and well cared for. There were smiles all around and all the coffee, soft drinks, and water they wanted. Of course, the officers sat in first class while the enlisted were in coach. That gave the troops something else to gripe about. Soldiers weren’t happy unless they were complaining about something.

After a fuel stop in Ramstein Air Base in Germany, it was a nonstop flight to home. Home, what a sweet sounding word! The troops passed the hours using the in-flight entertainment, playing cards, sleeping, talking quietly, or just staring out the window lost in their own thoughts. A few chatted with the pretty flight attendants. While women were part of the airline, the flight attendants represented normal life and some soldiers wanted to be a part of normal again.

Excitement kept Jack up for a few hours. JoJo had fallen asleep some time ago but Jack felt like he was a little kid again and Santa would arrive shortly. It was such a magical time and he couldn’t believe it was finally here. “Just like when I was little.” He whispered to himself. Then he remembered family vacations in the car. It was hours and hours of boredom. He would ask repeatedly if they “were there yet.” After a few of those repeated questions, he father would always tell him to go to sleep and they would get there sooner. Jack never understood then how it worked but his dad was always right. He then decided to try to sleep in hopes they would get home sooner.

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