Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Parting: Time is Short

Continuing the story....  I've wrestled with this chapter for a while and it isn't all it can and should be.  Still, I need to get it out there. 

Jack spent the night staring into blackness. His mind was racing and he tried to get images out of his head. He lay on his cot knowing he had only a few more hours before he would get the remaining items together into his pack and have his gear squared away before they moved out.

The company would sweep through an area known for Taliban activity. Their mission was to find, engage, and eliminate Taliban forces. Also, if possible, they would capture prisoners for any intelligence they may have.

Jack and his platoon were in position but had to wait for the remaining portions of the company to get into place before the operation could begin. Consequently, this left them exposed. While the individuals had adequate cover, they were certain that any worthwhile sentry would spot them and probably did. Jack and JoJo whispered to each other as they looked for movement in front of them.

“What you think is going on?”

“You heard the Captain. 2nd Platoon is slow getting into position. Jesus, I feel like a pimple on the nose of a bride on her wedding day sitting here like this. If we sit here much longer the whole damn Taliban will pop us one by one.”

“I know. This is total bullshit but what are we gonna do? Complain?”

JoJo smiled and both of them said in unison, “It is what it is.” Jack grinned.

The worst part of their position was that they were facing uphill and an area on the left was a perfect spot for someone to be hidden with an excellent field of fire. Also, there was little room for movement since there was an area to the right where there was a steep drop off. It wasn’t a deadly cliff but if you went over the side, you were going to slide for a while.

Finally, the orders were given to move out. “See you on the other side.” Jack said.

Each man stepped forward cautiously. Eyes were looking forward and up but also down for any signs of a land mine or other booby trap. Nervous looks were given to the area they were certain the enemy was. Each breath was forceful and the weight of the pack and equipment pressed down on Jack. He and JoJo moved in synchronization with other members of the platoon. Then the bullets started flying.

It wasn’t like in Hollywood movies. At first, no bullets were hitting the dirt around Jack. He barely heard the shots being fired by the enemy. He heard friendly fire first. Each gun has its own unique sound and it becomes easy to identify friendly weapons from unfriendly ones. Nonetheless, Jack and JoJo hit the dirt and began looking to see if they could identify from where the enemy was shooting. They saw the muzzle flashes and quickly realized if they could move just beyond an area close to the ledge, they would have a good firing position. They coordinated with the others that were within ear shot what they intended and started out.

They ran as fast as they could and for the first time that day, noticed they were in someone’s sights. Jack could hear the bullets zipping by him. His heart pounded. As they neared the defilade, JoJo saw two Taliban fighters rise from their position. One had a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) and he was lifting it to his shoulder. JoJo screamed as he dove for cover, “RPG!”

A couple steps behind, Jack heard the warning and his first instinct was to find where the enemy was. As he started to get down for cover, he noticed the man with the RPG and the one behind and to the left. At that instant, the RPG fired. Woosh! It shot out of the tube and toward JoJo and Jack. Both Jack and JoJo could see the RPG would miss them but dove to the same position near the end of the cliff. The moment both of them arrived there, the ground gave way and they fell, sliding down the embankment.

JoJo was able stop himself quickly but Jack continued sliding for several more feet. Neither was hurt save a few scrapes. A bruise or two may appear later. JoJo called down to Jack and Jack replied he was ok. He was relieved JoJo was ok also but how do they get back up? Both of them began looking for a way to climb up. The terrain made it impossible to climb back up the way they came without a rope being lowered to them. They were both safe at the moment but didn’t dare call out for help for fear the enemy would hear them. They would be sitting ducks.

The firefight above seemed to dwindle down when the head of a Taliban fighter popped into view. “Shit!” JoJo screamed and readied his weapon. Jack looked up as JoJo began firing. Jack rolled onto his back and out of sight as he tried to get out of his pack, chest heaving with each breath. “How can things change so quickly?” he wondered to himself. Did any of his friends know he and JoJo were down there? Would they get out alive?

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