Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Venting

Talk about falling off a cliff.  It is amazing how everything has been doom and gloom lately.  I continue to be totally surprised and appalled at the level of insanity to which the world has succumbed. 

Industries and world markets are falling in unfathomable ways.  Yes, I am completely shocked.  I spend my work days weaving through cancellations and doing my best to clean up the aftermath.  I do what I can to communicate timely information in this ever shifting landscape. 

In the midst of more bad news from the company CEO and another round of cancellations, Salt Lake City has an earthquake.  It just happens my fleets this week have a lot of exposure there.  At the time of the quake, I have 2 planes on the ground in Salt Lake City and one about to land.  Thankfully, things begin to work out for the better.

I continue to pray for health and safety of those I love.  Just know you are loved.  Let us all band our hearts together since we are told we cannot be physically close. 

May we trust God has plans for us that are for our welfare and not our calamity.  May we realize governments are not our salvation.  People in power tend to increase and hold onto it.  Meanwhile, I pray for our leaders that they will govern with wisdom for the welfare of the whole nation and not for the gain or advantage of a few. 

Thank you for reading.  While you are stuck in isolation, you should read a great book.  Mine!

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