Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Dog and Me

We’ve had a rescue dog for about 7 years.  The day we got Bailey was to be her last.  She is part Australian Shepherd and Labrador Retriever.  She is pretty smart unless it is one of her stupid moments.  If you own a dog, you probably know what I mean.

I like cats but prefer dogs.  You may have heard the saying that dogs think they are human and cats think they are god.  I have often considered the parallels between a human/God and the canine/human relationships. 
My view of God is based on the Christian faith.  Therefore, I believe God created the universe but made a special relationship with man.  However, man, having the ability to make choices, decided to not follow rules God made.  Consequently, a separation began between God and His creation.  At first, God gave a set of rules so mankind would know how to be acceptable.  Man was incapable to maintaining them. 
Then God sent His Son as an intermediary.  He was someone who could advocate for His fallen race.  He could bridge the gap of separation.  Since God’s rules said sin required death, He decided if He sent His own Son to die, all sin would be paid.  Following His death and resurrection, those who believed were made right and could claim a relationship with God as a son or daughter.  
Now that I’ve set the stage for my understanding of God and man, here are my thoughts of Man and dog:
Dogs always watch their master and other humans in the room.  They also want to be close by.  Sometimes Bailey will be on the other side of the room but most always I can see her.  Some people say dogs want to be human.  If dogs truly want to be human, constant observation helps.  If we truly want to be more like our Creator, studying Him is vital. 
Reading the Word is important for anyone who wants to learn about who God is.  The bible is the primary way God reveals Himself to us.  If He truly wants relationship with His creation, this is where we can learn how He structured such a relationship.  If you are like me, you can study it and try to apply it but I continue in my human ways. 
Dogs will become more like their master but still are stuck in their dog ways.  Bailey has been with us for several years now and we continue to teach her new tricks.  She has watched us for a long time and behaves more like what we want.  Still, she is a dog and does dog things.  She has to chase squirrels and she has to bark at anyone going by the house.  If it is a human or a black truck, she wants them to know she would tear them apart if she could.  In spite of our actions trying to get her to calm down, she continues.  (We don’t mind too much.  If the person going by is casing the house with the intent of breaking in one day, I’m sure she makes them think twice.)
As much as she may want to become human, Bailey never will.  As much as I want to become the person God wants me to be (sometimes that is more than others), on this side of heaven, I never will. 
We didn’t know she existed prior to visiting the animal shelter but we love Bailey and are happy we adopted her and brought her into our home.  How much more does the Creator of the universe love His creation?  How much more does the One who knew use before the foundation of the world love us?

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