Friday, July 24, 2015

Conner and Red: The Reunion

After many years of service, Conner had both sisters as wives and through his hard work, his father in law prospered.  However, his sons said that Conner cheated their father and a division began to simmer between the families.  While it is true the deal in which they agreed appeared to benefit the father in law, Conner worked his cunning and eventually came out the clear winner.  Due to the distance between Conner's family and his relatives, it was impossible to claim Conner cheated in any way.  Nevertheless, the sharp division between the families festered and grew worse. 

Conner discussed the situation with his wives.  Conner decided they should move back to his homeland.  Therefore, they left under the cover of darkness.  A few day's later it was noticed that Conner, his family, and possessions were gone and the father in law took off in search of them.  When he caught up with Conner, he was, needless to say, upset.  He complained that he never got the opportunity to say goodbye to his daughters or kiss his grandchildren.  In the end, they made an agreement between the two of them.  They agreed that God would watch between the two of them when they are away from each other. While the wording of their covenant sounds nice, in reality it was because they didn't trust each other. 

Now the difficult part of the journey was upon them.  How would Red react to Conner returning?  Was he still angry?  Did he want to kill Conner?  Anxiety began to bubble beneath the surface.  He knew that God had told him to return to his father.  However, Conner received word that Red was aware of his approach and it appeared Red was making war-like preparations.  He decided to divide his family and possessions into companies.  He put all of his family and possessions in front of him and sent them on ahead.  He was going to present many gifts to his brother in hopes of appeasing him.  Meanwhile, he stayed behind that night alone. 

Fervently, Conner prayed to God and God sent an angel.  So anxious was Conner that he wrestled with the angel, demanding a blessing.  However, the angel touched his hip and dislocated the joint and the angel went away.  Conner received an everlasting mark upon him with his limp.  Also, God changed his name from one that cheats others to a Prince with God.  So earnest were his prayers, so persistent was he in attitude, that though the angel struggled with him, God saw the faithfulness that had grown in him after many years of labor and how he was willing to demand the blessing from God rather than swindle it for himself. 

The next day, healed but marked by a limp, Prince with God set out to meet his brother.  When, at a great distance, he saw Red, he bowed low seven times to his brother.  When they finally came face to face, Red saw a changed man before him.  The two embrace with a love they previously did not have and wept.  Prince with God wept for joy to be kindly received. 

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