Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Magic Roundabout: Part VI

Peter and Marie were on the drive home.  Marie was sharing the latest gossip from her dorm.  She spoke nonstop since they left college.  Peter smiled to himself since her continual chatter reminded him of when she was little.  Once Marie learned to speak, she practiced all the time and there was no topic that was off limits. 

Little Marie always had an opinion and was willing to share it.  She once emphatically stated to Peter about a woman she saw that was fat.  When Peter looked in the direction of the woman in question, he was certain she was pregnant.  Peter quietly corrected Marie that she wasn’t fat but had a baby in her tummy.  About a month later the two of them were at the park and Marie walked up to a man with a beer belly.  She said to him, “I know you have a baby in your tummy.” 

Peter laughed out loud which stopped Marie’s one sided conversation.  She looked at her father and asked, “What?”

“Do you remember the time you told a man he had a baby in his tummy?”

“I know you have told me about that but I don’t remember the event.”

“You are a sweet young lady and I am proud you are my daughter.”

“Thanks daddy.”

Shortly thereafter, they were upon the roundabout.  Peter asked, “How many laps do you want to do?”

“Let’s do seven.”

“Seven it is.”

Peter did the first lap slowly and gradually picked up speed.  As he began the sixth lap, a bright light began to envelop the car.  The surrounding temperature began to rise.  A tingling sensation was felt by both Peter and Marie.  Peter believed it must have something to do with the g-forces, however small, they were experiencing.  He let up off the gas expecting the car to slow.  Instead, the vehicle increased in speed. 

Father and daughter turned to look at each other.  Their eyes locked.  Peter expected a look of fear in Marie’s eyes.  Instead, he saw joy, contentment.  He began to relax and the acceleration continued.  The light brightened more and seemed to consume them.  Peter had a sensation as if his body was melting plastic.  He felt he was a vapor, capable of going anywhere and any time.  Marie was still with him but now the car was gone.  The roundabout was gone.  They were no longer part of time and space.  Rather than fear, both of them felt peace.  This is where they were supposed to be, but where were they?

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