Thursday, November 20, 2014

Night Runner

To make major breakthroughs in your work and in your life, you need to take time away from your normal routine and just let yourself think. When you are wrapped up in the pressures of everyday life, it can be difficult to concentrate on what you have to accomplish, much less develop new ideas and approaches.

I've been a runner most of my life.  I am amazed at what I think about while running.  I prefer to run in the dark of night or early morning.  I don't run as far or fast as I did in my younger days and rarely, if ever, have someone to run with.  Still, I am never alone and I am amazed sometimes at how quickly I get back to the house.  Thoughts flow so quickly.

On numerous trips up and down streets and back roads, I have written short stories or poems, conceived new training programs, and developed ways to increase cash flow. I have thought up new plans to manage the house, identified topics for future speeches, and had insights into major life decisions.

It's almost a meditative state, and I only get there when I allow sufficient time to work through the overwhelming details of everyday life and finally get some conscious quality time to think about nothing at all.  That's exactly when the ideas start flowing.

In your life, do you set aside time to do nothing? Do you do what is referred to in some martial arts texts as "active inactivity"? Sometimes the best way to solve a problem or break new ground is to walk away from the issue for a while and let the answer come to you instead of chasing it. Try to make time to do nothing and watch your mind start to work for you!

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