Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Where Do You Go?

Where do you go when life isn't what it should be?  What do you do when people let you down?  In this world, you can count on people letting you down.  You even can have people that love you come up short in your life.  We are human and we fail others and ourselves.  Still, what do you do and where do you go when shortcomings leave a hole in your heart?

Sometimes, you understand.  You can deal with the fact that someone can't meet your needs.  Still, life hurts more when you have a hole in your heart.  Emptiness.  One of the things that separates us from the beasts of the earth is our emotions.  Emotions can run rampant when we are hurting.  Hurts can run deep when we are let down.  Where do you go?

I ask this because I remember a New Years Eve from my past where it was such a short time into the new year when situations came up that knocked me down and I couldn't believe that it happened so quickly into the year.  That was only the beginning.  My faith in God was strained.  Eventually, I began to doubt that God loved me.  Then I began to doubt God even existed. 

Nevertheless, through a series of fortunate events, I began to see that God is who He says He is.  However, He is not always what I believe Him to be.  He is so much more.  If God is concerned about the birds of the air, the grass in the field, and the knows the hairs on our heads, how much more does care for His creation that is made in His image? 

The bible says that if God is for us, who can stand against us?  We overwhelmingly conquer through Christ.  When we are hurting we can go to God, through Christ our intercessor, and cry out to Him as our Father.  If you are hurting, please try God.  Meanwhile, being a hugger, here's a hug to get you through. 

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