Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Shorties: 69

With persistent rooster calls, Andrea gave in to the inevitable. She arose and observed the bodies occupying the air mattresses filling her bedroom. Many more filled the house. Rubbing her eyes, Andrea stood and had to balance herself. She wasn’t drunk and had no hangover. She was simply exhausted.  Weeks of planning culminated in the 80th birthday party for her uncle mere hours ago. True to form, family from far and wide attended. 

The previous two days were filled with various activities. Mostly, everyone occupied the hours in conversation with loved ones and newly acquainted relatives. Then there was the party. After a feast there was music and dancing. In spite of many late nights leading up to this extravaganza, the party was still going strong at 3 AM. Andrea then decided it was time to turn. Music kept her up an additional 30 minutes.  Now it was 6:00 and Andrea wanted to wring the neck of every rooster in the country.

Stepping quietly around the air mattresses, Andrea heard her sister, Carmen, stir. She recognized the sounds from 40 years ago when they shared a bed in their father’s house. Andrea bent down and gently rubbed Carmen’s shoulder. Carmen released a whining groan in protest to being roused. Andrea thought of how some things never change. Carmen never wants to wake up. 

Walking toward the kitchen, Andrea heard the ladies preparing breakfast and smelled coffee brewing. It was an extra expense but worth it. Andrea knew her family would pitch in whenever something needed to be done, they had already done it that week, but having the meals cooked and dishes washed, allowed everyone time to relax and enjoy the company of others. 

Andrea greeted the ladies who attended their business and asked if the coffee was ready. It wasn’t yet. Andrea softly requested, “Would you bring me a cup when it is ready?”

“Yes, of course.”

Andrea shuffled to her rocking chair and fell into it. She closed her eyes and immediately felt sleep taking hold of her. The rhythm of the rocking chair lured her further into slumber. Then Andrea felt a touch on her shoulder and jumped with a start. 

Maria handed her a cup of coffee saying “Sorry to wake you.”

As she sipped her cup and rocked in her chair, other family members also surrendered to the day. About this time, breakfast was ready and the ladies started serving those present. Andrea watched them and their interactions between mouthfuls. The numbers increased as more arrived. Hugs and kisses mixed with words of affection were her observations. Around the table, Andrea absorbed it all. The histories were betrayed by the actions and reactions of her family. 

Andrea paused to soak it all in. She wanted to hold this moment forever. She loved her family and her heart was full. As much as she wanted a perfect night of revelry, Andrea was reminded what always meant more. She wanted to share the love of her family and the love they held for the other. If only precious moments could be held forever in a bottle. 

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