Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Memories of my kids

I am blessed to have four kids.  Today I remember moments when they were little.  

The oldest was a very bright young man.  Even now he is no dummy but his desire and capacity for learning seemed boundless.  Today there are two things that stand out to me about him but they have nothing to do with his intelligence.  

One time we were visiting my in laws in Florida.  They have a pool.  My wife and I were going to take a night time swim.  He wanted to go also and wasn't happy he had to go to sleep instead.  He was in bed on his knees and leaning over and hugging his pillow.  So it his butt being up in the air seemed accentuated.  He was crying, "Its not fair.  Grown ups get to go to the pool but little boys have to go to sleep."

All of a sudden he stopped crying.  Then my wife said he's asleep.  I couldn't believe.  He did.  He fell asleep in the middle of wailing about the unfairness of the situation and his butt was still up in the air.  

A few years later he and I were wrestling on the floor while we waited for mom to get home from work.  In the process something happened and he got hurt.  He started to cry but stopped because he wanted to keep playing.  We played for a minute and mom walked in.  He started crying again about how he got hurt.  

The next child was a girl. She was a very happy child.  I have a video of her happily playing.  Her baby brother was just a few months old and his diaper was just changed.  I asked her to go be with her brother who was still lying in the middle of our bed. She climbed up on the bed and hugged her brother.  Then she gave him a kiss but he had slobber on his face.  Then she said, "Yuck!  Baby babas!" (Spanish is our second language and babas means slime but it means spittle to us)

Several years later she showed us how she stands by her morals.  She was spending the night with a friend who had a large group of girls there.  They decided to go and TP some houses. The mom was part of all of it.  My daughter didn't think it was right and wanted nothing to do with it.  Even the mother added some pressure to participate.  My daughter stood her ground and called us to come and bring her back home.  

The next son, like his older brother, nearly killed my wife at childbirth.  As a result, he come home from the hospital about a week before mom did.  That left me to care for him.  Call me crazy but he had the unique ability to poop in brand new diapers.  Every time. I put on a new diaper he gave it a fresh new deposit.  This happened at least 2 times per day.  In exasperation, one time I pretended to put on a new diaper but put the wet one back on.  All the while I asked if he was happy with the new diaper.  Then he pooped and I didn't have to change him again.  It made me happy.  lol

When he was three years old he once wanted to help me put gas in the car.  As you may know, active three year old boys get bored easily.  As I chased him around while the car was being filled, I was getting exasperated.  When the car was full and I paid the bill, I strapped him into his carseat and drove away.  Only to find I was still hooked up to the gasoline dispenser.  

Needless to say, I was horrified.  Thankfully, it was made to disconnect.  On the bright side, I used this experience in a humorous speech contest and competed at the state level.  It has been well received each time it has been delivered.  

The baby, my little girl who is set to graduate college next spring, always had to do things her older siblings did.  She is our foodie and even has a food Instagram where she posts photos of different foods.  Also, she wants us send food photos.  One thing I appreciate about her is her childlike approach to things she loves.  When she knows she will eat a new food she has wanted to try or go to a restaurant she has wanted to visit, her excitement bubbles out of her.  

One memory of her will always stick with me.  That is the first time she pooped in the toilet.  When she was finished, she got down to look at what she did as I congratulated her.  Beaming, she said, "Look daddy, snakes!"  I looked and said, "Yeah, sweetie, but they look like rocks to me."

Soon my wife and I will be empty nesters.  We are blessed

Monday, July 29, 2019

One of Half

I am half of one.  Created to be one but I am only half.  In my cave I hide.  I yearn.
I ponder.  Eyes opened, I deliberate. 

You are the receptor and, when switched, our lights shine.  Two halves to make the whole.

But even the halves must be engaged.  Too often we are disjointed. 

So I am paused awaiting our conjoined engagement

Monday, July 22, 2019


When Google+ existed, other G+ers and I used to complain from time to time about the shortcomings we experienced.  It seems the blog isn't much better.  I got a comment or 2 and commented back but I don't see my own remarks.  I've tried 6-7 times now.  I have no idea what the problem is.

Friday, July 19, 2019


Upon this canvas
The pixel placed
A life is lived
All but erased

Too small to see
Across the way
Your time and space
The light of day

Can’t understand
Effect and cause
Trying to hold
Infinite laws

So small I am
Grasping the sky
Tossed by the wind
Wondering why

A pixel set
In the design
So shines my light
A small part mine

© July 2019
Duane Windell Phillips

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Truth is older than you imagine

Truth is older than you imagine
A sage of knowledge it beckons
To guide in ways unseen
Look away from the city lights
All the twinkles isn’t gold
Forsake your arrogance
The belief you already know
Let wisdom instruct
And prune your dead limbs
Then let the fruit grow

© July 2019
Duane Windell Phillips

Thoughts about God and if such a being exists

Note, I was born into a family with Christian faith.  However, like many people, my parents were Christian by birth.  It wasn’t until I was about 10 years old, my family began taking the Christian faith seriously.  Even still, there is much I know about God that was handed down to me by my parents and places I’ve lived.  Being human, even with good intentions we can mess up things. 

I’ve been taught God is all powerful, all knowing, and has always existed.  He is perfect in every way.  For me, imagining a being as all powerful and all knowing isn’t too difficult.  The always existed part is difficult.  Everything on earth has a beginning and end.  Something that has always been and will always be is mind blowing. 

We like to think of God as loving or at least benevolent.  Some people have their doubts.  Recently, I’ve had some thoughts on this matter.  With all the bad in the world, is it really difficult to believe God is good?  Consider this:  If God is all powerful and not benevolent, life on earth would be hell everywhere at all times.  What is there to stop an evil being that can’t be hindered in any way?  If God actually did speak the universe into existence, what puny work of our hands can match up with Him?

In the Christian faith, we believe we cannot earn our way into God’s favor.  Because of the sin of Adam in the Garden of Eden, man is forever cursed to a life of sin.  The bible states in Isaiah 64:6 that all our works (some translations say our righteous acts) are as filthy rags.  

If the best we can is worthless, we have no hope?  In the book of Job, after Job lost all his wealth and children, he also lost his health.  He wondered why God was against him but also why God was silent.  As the devil continued to pressure Job to curse God, Job realized how helpless he was.  If God was truly against him, Job recognized his helplessness to making things right.  Therefore, it all rested on God to mend any rift.  The same translates to us now.  If God is against us, we are completely damned.  If God is for us, who can be against us?

Another thought I’ve had lately is about faith.  We talk about having faith and that when we do so, we believe things we can’t see or hold.  Therefore, in a way, to believe God exists, even for those who see evidence of His existence by the mere reality of the universe, is an act of faith.  Still, we must live life where we are.  It takes faith to believe you will have enough money for your rent/mortgage, daily meals, car repairs etc.  These are tangible.  What about personal things?

We talk about having the faith to be healed of disease but what about faith to be sick?  We are told if we have faith we can accomplish great things.  What if we are called to toil with no obvious results or if someone else gets the acclaim?  Do we have faith to be no one when the world thinks everyone should be important and glamorous? 

Let me finish with this thought:  One of my prayers this year is for God to show me things I believe to be true but aren’t.  Whether they are things specifically about God or life, I want to know if my beliefs are wrong.  Only when I see things properly can I live life correctly.  Only if my faith is based on truth can I live out that faith to ends that are within God’s will. 

#faith #christian

Thursday, July 4, 2019


God is glacier against our feet planted in defiance
Slowly but persistently He moves
Gravity scraping tendrils of obstinacy
Eroding the barnacles of indifference
Dissolving the lumps of pride
A snap or quake
Until we reach the waters
Cleansed of till
Worthy and whole

© July 2019
Duane Windell Phillips

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Shorties: 69

With persistent rooster calls, Andrea gave in to the inevitable. She arose and observed the bodies occupying the air mattresses filling her bedroom. Many more filled the house. Rubbing her eyes, Andrea stood and had to balance herself. She wasn’t drunk and had no hangover. She was simply exhausted.  Weeks of planning culminated in the 80th birthday party for her uncle mere hours ago. True to form, family from far and wide attended. 

The previous two days were filled with various activities. Mostly, everyone occupied the hours in conversation with loved ones and newly acquainted relatives. Then there was the party. After a feast there was music and dancing. In spite of many late nights leading up to this extravaganza, the party was still going strong at 3 AM. Andrea then decided it was time to turn. Music kept her up an additional 30 minutes.  Now it was 6:00 and Andrea wanted to wring the neck of every rooster in the country.

Stepping quietly around the air mattresses, Andrea heard her sister, Carmen, stir. She recognized the sounds from 40 years ago when they shared a bed in their father’s house. Andrea bent down and gently rubbed Carmen’s shoulder. Carmen released a whining groan in protest to being roused. Andrea thought of how some things never change. Carmen never wants to wake up. 

Walking toward the kitchen, Andrea heard the ladies preparing breakfast and smelled coffee brewing. It was an extra expense but worth it. Andrea knew her family would pitch in whenever something needed to be done, they had already done it that week, but having the meals cooked and dishes washed, allowed everyone time to relax and enjoy the company of others. 

Andrea greeted the ladies who attended their business and asked if the coffee was ready. It wasn’t yet. Andrea softly requested, “Would you bring me a cup when it is ready?”

“Yes, of course.”

Andrea shuffled to her rocking chair and fell into it. She closed her eyes and immediately felt sleep taking hold of her. The rhythm of the rocking chair lured her further into slumber. Then Andrea felt a touch on her shoulder and jumped with a start. 

Maria handed her a cup of coffee saying “Sorry to wake you.”

As she sipped her cup and rocked in her chair, other family members also surrendered to the day. About this time, breakfast was ready and the ladies started serving those present. Andrea watched them and their interactions between mouthfuls. The numbers increased as more arrived. Hugs and kisses mixed with words of affection were her observations. Around the table, Andrea absorbed it all. The histories were betrayed by the actions and reactions of her family. 

Andrea paused to soak it all in. She wanted to hold this moment forever. She loved her family and her heart was full. As much as she wanted a perfect night of revelry, Andrea was reminded what always meant more. She wanted to share the love of her family and the love they held for the other. If only precious moments could be held forever in a bottle. 

Conversations: Seek What is Real

  I recently met with a friend I hadn't seen for a few years.  He is a former pastor and current first responder chaplain.  There is so ...