Monday, July 10, 2017

Shorties: Number 6

Joshua wanted a rose.  He was entranced by the Rosa rubiginosa.  He was in awe of the beauty, aroma and colourful variety of roses.  In his mind, nothing on earth compared to roses.  A rose was like a precious pearl, a brilliant diamond to be cherished. 

The first time Joshua held a rose, he snatched the bulb and closed his fingers around it.  It felt cool and comforting.  He savoured the sensation and thrilled at the thought of holding such a lovely flower.  Then he opened his hand to soak in the beauty he held.  It was smashed and disfigured.  He didn’t know how to handle a rose and, in his ignorance, he crushed it.  He vowed to never handle a rose in that manner again.

The second time Joshua held a rose, he knew not to roughly handle the bulb.  Instead, he grabbed the stem roughly and thorns pierced his fingers and hand.  He recoiled and cast it to the ground.  He looked at his hand as blood seeped from the cuts.  He turned his eyes to the rose.  Several petals were strewn about.  It was damaged and bruised.  Tears filled his eyes as Joshua realized the consequences of his actions.  Again, he failed to hold something he treasured without hurting it.  He vowed to never handle a rose in that manner again.

The next time Joshua held a rose, he cautiously looked for a spot on the stem to grasp without causing injury.  With wisdom and tender care Joshua positioned his fingers and brought the rose to himself.  He was careful not to hurt the object of his affection.  He inhaled the delicious aroma. 

Joshua was content.  Though previously hurt, he understood the rose to be an object worthy of pursuit.  Now that he learned to handle properly, the rose would forever be a precious pearl, a brilliant diamond he would cherish. 

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