Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Lie in the Land of Absolute Truth

Once there was a land of absolute truth.  Nothing in the land was less than truthful and pure.  It was an area of black.  There was no other color but black in the land.  No whites or grays or other colors but only varying hues of black.  Flat black, shiny black, a black that seemed dead in appearance.  All eyes only saw black and all souls only knew and understood truth. 

Then there was a man who was one day able to spin a lie.  What is odd about this phenomenon is that he didn’t even comprehend what he was about to do.  The actual act of his lie was never recorded.  Therefore, no one knows what the lie was.  Nevertheless, the lie cast a brilliant contrast of white upon the land. 

All eyes saw the white but had no understanding of what they saw.  Being only in a world of black, there was no manner in which to describe the apparition.  There were no words for what they saw.  It is like a man in the tropics trying to describe snow the first time he touched it.  Still, those close enough saw the white in its astounding contrast.  Populations off at a distance could gaze upon the hue piercing the horizon. 

The change had begun.  Innocence was lost.  People would never again be the same.  Slowly, one by one, lies were added and soon the world changed to white.  Grays became common and white received adjectives for the population to describe what they saw. 

The land was forever transformed, never again to be pure.  It was tainted through and through.  The black was gone.  The lies ruled.  

This story came to me today in a dream.  I don't know why the land wasn't white and lies caused it to turn black.  That makes more sense to me.  I'm just writing it the way I dreamed it.  It is kinda weird.  I know. 


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