Tuesday, February 24, 2015

So You Want to Go Back to Egypt

I noticed something when reading through the book of Numbers in the Old Testament.  Anyone who reads about the Israelites after they left slavery in Egypt will notice how often they grumbled against God, Moses, and Aaron.  They complained that they should have stayed in Egypt rather than die of hunger, thirst etc out in the desert.  Why did they think it was better to be in slavery than to be free in the desert with the God who performed so many miracles to bring them out of Egypt?

How many of us would rather be in bondage of any kind than live with the unknown?  We say we would do things differently but the history of mankind proves otherwise.  I think what it comes down to is this:  as humans, it is more important to us to be certain of something even if it is a bad thing, than to face the unknown.  Even a bad thing that is constant gives more security than the unknown. 

As beings created by an eternal God, why don't we have an innate ability to have faith.  God is pleased by your faith.  He is honored by it.  Why is it so hard?  I’ve heard faith described as a light that is strong enough only to illuminate your next step.  If you are like me, you want to know what the ultimate destination is and some of the milestones along the way.  God doesn’t work like that. 

In the process of living for Christ, we must relinquish the need to know what is next.  We must trust that the God who created us, has a plan for us.  It is a plan for prosperity and not calamity so we will have a future and a hope.  If faith just came naturally to us, how would God be honored when we trust?  It is when we trust in spite of the unknown that we show that we truly trust God and He is more important than our fear.  Oh God, let it be so for me.  

#faith #God #trust

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